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    Yes, true, and the article I linked does point that out. I wasn’t sure how much I should copy and paste.

    How are some of my lefty friends supporting him? HOW.

    The websites that start these kind of wackadoo theories do so to make money. People who repeat them are simply lacking logical thought.

    I’ve been photoshopped into all sorts of violent scenarios. Ooooh, photoshop! SO SCARY!

    Ah, but Ryan wasn’t looking for a pin, because she be a lady.

    Brad Pitt was in high school in Missouri in the 1980s.

    Tom Hanks is not supporting Trump. That was a hoax.

    Hey Ivanka, what’s been stopping Daddy from giving tremendous maternity leave benefits to his actual employees lo all these years? Sad.

    Dude that is just not a good effigy at all.

    Me too. I’ve lost more than a few friends, but there is a reason I moved and left Missouri behind. I’m just being reminded of that.

    Although this seems obvious, people I know (who are not crazy or stupid, but perhaps a bit gullible) are believing some of this stuff. Not exactly the body double but the “fact” that she has Parkinson’s.

    This isn’t the first time he said that we had “no domestic terror attacks under Bush.” He either thinks 9/11 doesn’t count or he is deliberately trying to blame the current administration for things that happened previously. They are fast and loose with facts on the Trump side. Remember the footage of “thousands and

    He didn’t forget. The Trump Ministry of Truth just keeps repeating this falsehood until it is true. Much like the “crime is at unprecedented levels both here and abroad” bullshit. Facts schmacts. We make the facts!

    That was my first thought, too. Why are only actresses accountable for starring in his films? Men shouldn’t have to give a shit and pass up career opportunities?

    Time to sue! I’ll donate to her fund.

    Sanders is a savvy politician and he absolutely knows how this went down.

    As someone who was adopted as a child, I find your “concerns” pretty laughable. So there’s no way she could love her adopted children as much as her biological kids? Thank goodness there won’t be a sibling around to compete with them!

    That’s what bothers me. With Sanders, it’s always black = poor. Even commenting that white people don’t know what it’s like to be poor! What.

    Excellent article. I’ve been explaining this to my high school-aged daughter and her friends who didn’t have to live through this SEXIST BULLSHIT first hand.

    Haha, joke’s on you! Soon, they can!