
Are we allowed to be excited yet? I have a two year old daughter and this is just such a huge thing for her generation. She gets to grow up knowing you don’t have to be a white male to be president.

Please, remind me again why people keep referring to this guy as the “cool pope"

This. I have unfollowed and unfriended more Bernie zealots than Trump supporters at this point. I voted Bernie and have been chewed out by his supporters for being a Hillary shill this entire time. The fact that I could ever criticize Bernie is sacrilegious. I have experienced the Bernie Bro, first hand and many

Susan Sarandon isn’t without problems, but damn if I’m not here for this.


You don’t even have to go to Bryan Singer. When have the male actors who have worked with Woody been held accountable for that decision or even questioned for that decision? Is anyone going to ask Steve Carell why he decided to star in Woody’s new movie? Is anyone asking Jesse Eisenberg? Nope.

Can we not blame Kristen Stewart for the fact that Woody Allen molested children long before she was old enough to stop peeing her pants? BTW, I notice there’s no hate for anyone who worked on the X-Men movies, even though Brian Singer is a known pedophile who is actually member of a fucking pedophile ring.

He’s a great director who writes great roles for women. I’d work for him in a heartbeat too if I were a young actress.

4 white guys playing fictional characters.

They so often terrorize campuses with their smug entitled antics - then act all haughty like one single fucking pancake fundraiser makes up for a year of entitled, elitist, racist destruction.

(they are almost always GOP dominated as well.... BLECH)

Fraternities and sororities are stupid, stupid, stupid. Yes I’m sure you were in a great sorority that did a lot of charity work or whatever, it doesn’t change the fact that they are exclusionary and have no place on modern day university campuses.

It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that that bar's bathroom is safe for four year-old girls.

Huh. I hadn’t thought about whether these bathroom bills were also stealth attempts to harass gays, lesbians, and bisexuals before. This must be part of that new educational series, The More You Didn’t Want To Know.

Yooo thank you. Penn alum here. Ben’s ours (for better or for worse). Thnxbye.

I’m honestly a little surprised that Yale’s ego would allow it to name something after someone so closely associated with another Ivy League school.

His pro column is still vastly larger than his con.

So is the solution to erase dead white men from history?

That is a bullshit thinly veiled excuse for sexism.