
Is is an electrical engineer. He’s allowed to call himself one. One state’s abnormal and arbitrary laws don’t change that fact. Likewise he’s allowed to offer opinion and draw conclusions based on his expertise without practicing the trade. It’s not unfamiliar legal territory. What counts as actually practicing a

“[A]n immature and stupid response that literally could not have ended any other way.” What an impressively succinct encapsulation of exactly the type of reflexive bootlickery Burneko denounced in his piece. And the nice thing is, you can make literally the same exact argument in favor of literally any act of defiance

Counter counterpoint: he has made all his legal remedies more valuable and effective by raising the stakes.

Surely* you’ve already seen this, but the comments below Gizmodo’s coverage of this incident are similarly flabbergasting and demoralizing. To paraphrase many, “The corporation can do what it wants because its policies say it can” and “These are cops, so you have no legal protection. Comply or get your head smashed

I guess I could have saved myself a google search if I would have just read the comments first. You get a star and I’m giving one to Andrew too for being the first person this year to make me have to do that. And if the judge were here, I’d give him one too for giving out proper justice.

In case anyone else was wondering...

This might bruise his ego, but he cam longer abuse the notion of being an every-down RB; he may need to switch professions or at least branch out into different aspects of football.

If he could only pronounce it “body” like bah-dy instead of “budty “, I could get through Andy’s Headspace app without cracking up. (Dang why am I still in da grays....)

welp, that’s what happens when society/people forces you to be something you’re not in order to survive. being thisclose to death can make anyone reevaluate their life choices; if they manage to stay sane

It delights me that no one seems to get your post.

When is your era? I’m 60 and this kid is great, and no one in Tucson will do anything but welcome him. It’s not the old day full of haters.

WTF, How fucking old are you? This is such dinosaur bullshit. Don’t support him? “people who chose his way”. What rock did you crawl out form under. Only good thing I can say about you is maybe you are closer to death then most. What a total asshole comment.

It’s only an issue taught by parents who are dumbshits

I teach high school and have kids of all sexual and gender identities. It’s so prevalent that most of their peers don’t even care. It’s pretty awesome.

Yep, most kids have classmates who are gay, transgender, non-binary, everything. It’s a non-issue.

That’s pretty cool. Sucks it’s taken this long though.

“I said, ‘Look, you are who you are, I am who I am, and I’m going to coach you the same way. I’m going to treat you the same way. I’m going to get on you the same way as everybody else.

Our high school student section got suspended for a playoff basketball game by our principal (and shown on ESPN’s Cold Pizza) back in 2005 for a chant referencing Brokeback Mountain that was a pun on a star player’s name from our rival. No one would ever do something like that now, which is good. That really was a

My friend has a kid in high school and openly gay and bisexual teens are such a part of the current landscape of high school that I doubt his teammates even care at this point. Which is awesome.

Whenever someone says "serves them right" about car wrecks, ask yourself if you'd say that to their mom or son. If the answer's yes, you're an asshole. If the answer's no, why talk shit on a forum about it?