Way to go, Nuffle

@Twanzio: I'd go ahead and do it, but I'm afraid I'd get banned for creating extra load for the servers.

It's a bad time to be in Antarctica; the ozone 'hole' is biggest during summer (i.e., September).

I want to pop that bubble-wrap.

@jeffsnewphone: Before Google was available, I googled on Lycos.

And if you read Carly Fiorina's book, you'd discover that the board she was chairman of was so excited to finally do away with 'the HP way'.

Someone has been screwing around with the googol entry in Wikipedia

@Sapan Gorath: Wikipedia says it's the observable universe that cannot withstand a written-out googolplex.

@Erwos: Even though they are trapped, they still have access to a few miles of tunnels with which they take several walks a day and find out-of-the-way places for toiletry needs.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: I pour boiling water on their nest. The heat kills them and the water collapses the tunnels in their nest.

iPads, Xboxes, etc., are all fantastic babysitters.

@Monty: Theoretically.

I'm sorry, but the fingers you have used to dial are too fat.

I nostalgia'd.

This might work for 'mentally-awake' comatose patients as well. This could prevent dozens of "pull-the-plug" incidents a year.

Sooo... we should kill the whales?