Way to go, Nuffle

What's up with all the haters? Innovation is still innovation.

Who shot who in the what now?

@mikemil828: Well, I understood your reference.

Wasn't there another Giz article recently about how commenters should exert more effort at staying on topic?

Okay, so now we know something new about Rob Spence; he has some creepy fetishes.

"Filmmaker Rob Spence,famed for his camera eyeball implant, an eligible young woman is looking for an eligible young woman."

Ah, so this is how it begins...

@lankysob: Come on now, it's a paper airplane versus a jumbo jet. Worlds of difference. That no 11 pencil is 1:1 scale, but the image isn't to scale.

@ScaryMerry: Citrus flavored toothpaste is the greatest thing ever.

@Odin: Naturally. Cat's don't have opposable thumbs, so it can't lift the receiver.

800x500 isn't exactly big enough for me to consider it a wallpaper. Can we get some bigger originals?

I watched about 30-ish seconds of the video, and then read all the comments that were available. To my surprise, when I scrolled back up to click the Giz banner to take me back to the Giz homepage, the video was still rolling.

@m4ximusprim3: I dunno, beating a level of that game on the NES was always gratifying. Especially when the timer at the top read "00".

A new weapon to add to my cubicle warfare arsenal.

@Curves: I've never seen a non-albino red iris before. That page has some great irises.

If you think those are good, you need to see this page.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: No it doesn't. There are left-handed signers and right-handed signers just like there are left-handed writers and right-handed writers.

@SkipErnst: Yes, the ASL alphabet is exactly the same in all ASL dialects, so that could work.