What the hell is their logic here? They're making money and getting free ad revenue. If they don't like it, they should open some shops in the state. It's called the free market, you douchebags.
What the hell is their logic here? They're making money and getting free ad revenue. If they don't like it, they should open some shops in the state. It's called the free market, you douchebags.
Yeah, thank goodness for self-censorship so no precious snowflakes in the US were offended unduly.
It’s not just unfortunate though. It was entirely avoidable with technology we have now. Uber is cutting corners to get their cars out as fast as possible, while other companies show patience and restraint because they don’t want to kill anyone for the sake of “progress.” I’m all for self driving cars, but not ones…
Why does being a writer these days not require a middle school education? How does someone who thinks 12.6 inches is a foot and a half write articles for a living?
Making fun of other people when you don’t know your left from your right.
You’ve actually never used the Internet without Net Neutrality being in place. Verizon and Comcast would love you to believe these are recent rules, but they’re not. Even this article gets it wrong.
Yeah, f*** Blizzard for releasing a free hero portrait for their free to play game and demanding that you play their game in a way you don’t like to unlock it. How dare they.
The right answer is the car doesn’t put itself in that situation to begin with. Human drivers are sometimes fiddling with the radio or doing their nails or texting and may not notice a “group of school children” gleefully and inexplicably running into a street which has a fast -moving semi in one lane, a fast-moving…