
Wait….. what? Is this real? THE CABIN IN THE WOODS was the most dreadfully dumb movie of all time! Who's in charge here!

They have no idea, poor things.

It amazes me just how Madonna goes right over most people's heads. This stand up bit was a JOKE, people. It was MEANT to be bad. I give up with society today.

No…… it doesn't. I agree that we are too politically correct, but to try and defend Mel Gibson's racist rants is silly. And all I'm saying is I have never used those words myself, so that excuse is somewhat lame. I've never called another person a n*gger or faggot or whatever.

While I agree with most of what Oldman says, I for one have NEVER called someone else the N word, or the F word (I'm gay). Sorry, but I don't buy that crap. No, we haven't ALL used those words, thank you very much. And alcohol is NO excuse for it either. I can get rip-roaring drunk, but it doesn't suddenly make me