
Have you absorbed six years of Catholic school Theology (taught by nuns or friars), with one year dedicated entirely to the totally bananas subject that is official Church doctrine on every subject, including exorcisms and anal sex?

I only wear berets, hand-knitted toques, and extra-wide sunhats; and rather than any kind of beard, have a pretty respectable pair of knockers. Therefore, I have lifelong immunity to such accusations.

Probably because once you learn all about this total horseshit in depth, it's impossible to believe it.

An immaculate conception is not the same as a virginal conception. The former happened to St. Anne and describes Mary; the latter happened to Mary and describes Jesus.


My assbeast would tear up tissues and paper towels when left alone due to anxiety/boredom, and then slink around in tortured agony when you discovered the evidence. She needed to be scolded in order to get on with her life, which she would do happily once shriven.

My roommate's cat would snuggle intensely, and by that I mean lie down purring directly on your mouth and nose until you had to either get up or suffocate. Which, incidentally, I believe they feared about cats doing to babies during medieval times?

You want another dog, trust me.

Dogs are mankind's greatest creation. And mankind can't be all bad, because dogs also had a hand in creating us.

Scarlet Witch makes it because she's an Olsen.

No, just that it's apparently an open secret in Hollywood, and the only way they can change their bodies so drastically in such short amounts of time. They do it under a doctor's supervision, but still. It's better than it was in th 80's, though.

Spider-Man is still married.

You're not the first, and you won't be the last, baby.

Incredible Hercules shows Herc with all his flaws and foibles, which is something I really like about it. The original myths were similar, and it's an aspect that's addressed in the comic. I think it's supposed to rub you the wrong way, in short.

I'll never understand why, instead of another origin story, they didn't use the Ultimate FF arc where Reed communicates with an alternate universe Reed and builds a portal to visit himself, only to find that the alternate universe Reed is a zombie and he's in the world of Marvel zombies.

I thought Deadpool was usually the most mistaken for an MCU movie. The jokes, and all.

Well, he's definitely on steroids, like most Hollywood action men. Destroying his body in numerous ways. I don't like thinking about it, tbh :/

Or maybe… he IS Thor??

Incredible Hercules, bro!

I thought you knew that.