

Hey, do you guys know what's terrible? Civil War II is terrible.

What a surprise.

Quality necklaces have individually knotted pearls. INDIVIDUALLY KNOTTED!

No sillier than Kirsten Dust with her ginger wig, or Scarlett Johanssen with hers.

I could literally watch this all day.

I still think he should have been Capt. Marvel (DC flavor).

I thought all of them except Peña were tiresome stereotypes, actually.

Overall, yes. The income disparity between poor and rich is very small compared to the U.S.

As women get more wealthy, educated and independent, and have access to more birth control, they have fewer children later in life.

These comics would fit in The New Yorker nicely, actually.

I guess I have to be the one to say this, but the model they pasted her head onto just does not have the proper assets.

Three of my cousins, all of whom are Brooklyn hipsters, have gotten married in the past five years and all of them had traditional wedding cakes (though the groom's tuxedo was obnoxious af in one case).

Spent the whole video anticipating the same-sex wedding topper. Was left disappointed and hungry.

I'd lick every inch of his goofy body any time he wanted.

These lies. He's both gorgeous and smart as fuck, raised by an Asian tiger mom. They don't suffer this nonsense.

Too many descriptions of Lochte as '"beautiful." Nathan Adrian is beautiful. Lochte is a beady-eyed caveman who looks beaten about the head and shoulders with a rock.


Proof that being dumb as a rock doesn't mean you're innocuous.

Really though?