
Yes tho.

This is my husband and I love him. See how he puts all your faves to shame with his beauty, intelligence, and moral clarity.

Dark Matter is really not good and I'm puzzled that so many are insisting otherwise.

Not so, for it's in honor of his 75th anniversary.

He wasn't from the Bronx, he was from the LES. Read a comic, gawd.

Comics Cap is from the Lower East Side doe.

Where the fuck is Cosmo the Space Dog though.

I noticed, but I just got dismissed as a Nintendo fangirl.

The Targs were known to practice polygamy. He could have been married to Lyanna Stark as well.

Upvote for avatar

Community should have been cancelled years earlier.

Late, but Jedi hits emotional heighs, DESPITE the Ewoks, that make it the best in the series. The bad stuff is pretty bad, but the good stuff is SO good that it washes those sins away.

The Sonic/Poochie comparison is dead on, omg. It's why I never liked Sonic. He felt like a reactionary, boardroom-crafted distillation of 90's 'tude from his very first appearance.


Well, it's part of how you spell Netflix.

I have an iron stomach, idc. I'm getting one of these bad boys.

I thought it was Chekov Prime at first too.

Or maybe you need to accept that freak accidents happen.

Agree, but… you're 16??

This one shook me good. It's a combination of his age, the circumstances, being a Star Trek fan… I feel legitimately shocked. Most celebrity deaths don't hit me so hard.