
Dogs can still sing it.

I'm an editor for fiction and have had to red-line it more than once, which I do with great pleasure (get it). It's actually the official Chicago Manual of Style spelling.

"come" is the superior and sexier spelling, though.

I see the Associated Press releasing that pic, of Hayley Atwell, with those microphones where they are, and thinking they're sly.

Human society doesn't sound like the place for you.

Aren't those de rigeur at most amusement parks? They called it the Gravitron in my part of town.

Do tell!

That's Common Knowledge, Internet!

He's a terrible Thanos tho. Bloop.

You don't deserve to pretend to be a dog.

I shipped Cap/Maria Hill before he was her boss in AoU.

Or they should have had Cap get interested in Maria Hill and skip Sharon entirely.

Hey, Natalie Portman and her Portal skills were essential to killing Space Elf at the end of Thor 2. >:(

Not a single lie to be found.

A female character being cast 15 years too young?? Not in MY Hollywood

An unforgivable tragedy

I think you mean "in the stars."

A rebellion doesn't necessarily equal terrorism.

ehhhh I was not a fan.

Planet Hulk is really fucking good though.