Lex Luger

Is Tang what Crooked Donnie uses to dye his skin orange?

Isn't Martin Gore half black?

"I'm no fan of Courtney Love but Cobain never had a bad word for her."

Jack Irons wants to have a word with you.

I was a senior in high school in 1991. The kids in my class tended to stick with the Van Halen/Motley Crue style of music while the kids one year younger than me embraced Nirvana and the bands that trickled in after it.

And a beer that you opened yourself so you know he didn't roofie it.

I've always wondered how this was enforced. Do you have to show your Islam card to get in? What would stop a non-Muslim from lying and getting in anyway?

I thought the Middle Eastern "desert blues" guitar solo was by Kiko. There are other solos on the album that use similar scales and modes.

It's obvious that Angel of Death is not pro-Nazi if you listen to the lyrics. They even use the word "sickening" to describe the acts of the Nazis. Slayer writes about dark topics, and Josef Mengele is about as dark as it gets.

Being a conservative Christian is sooooo not metal.

The Bible is chock full of violence, so why would it matter if your screenplay has a violent scene?

Because religion has caused irreparable damage to some of us?

Agnosticism is not about "refusing to make a decision". It is about the realization that some things are impossible to know.

There's no such thing as "grunge" music.

I've seen the Pumpkins twice since 2010 and both times they played a heavy metal version of Ava Adore and it rocked.