
It’s just incredibly convenient that mentally disturbed people will leave their comment history public on the internet because then you know when it is worth responding and when you know you are dealing with a true nutter.

“What kind of insane man talks to females?” -Jaloplurker, 2017

Not as if this gawker-inspired cesspool was ever any crown jewel of journalism in the first place, it’s more like the $6 fake diamond butt plug from the I-70 truck stop.

The difference is that Kate Winslet is worth something like $90m and doesn’t need to be in a fucking Woody Allen movie to pay her mortgage.

I hope Kylo’s reveal to Rey about her parents is true. For fucking ONCE this series could use someone that isn’t tied to everyone else...

Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.

Doe this woman appear to be in her right mind to anyone?

Mansplaining is not the act of being a man. It’s acting in a condescending fashion like a subject matter expert, often to people who know more about the subject than you who may in fact be experts. Because of the interplay of gender and power dynamics in this country, it’s pretty common for women especially experts in

Man I haven’t picked up a Battlefield game in a long time. One of my favorites was Bad Company 2. I had a blast in multiplayer. I doubt I’ll ever play another one

I look forward to all the thinkpieces tomorrow about how the GOP needs to understand the concerns and needs of black women if it expects to win any more elections.

Man, I feel like this has been the month of That Guy.

Haha, thanks for summing up much better than I communicated before. I regret my choice of phrasing, and the last line—which was unfairly presumptive about Mrs. Scott’s mental state or reasons for offering forgiveness—but not the heart of what I meant, which you astutely perceived. Good talking with you :)

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the nice words, and sharing your thoughts. Let me elaborate:

I understand your disagreement, but I think it’s the mother’s prerogative to forgive or not. Maybe Scott’s mom felt the need to so she could start her healing process. I don’t believe it’s anyone’s place to judge her for that.

Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year.

The Republican Party sold its soul a hell of a lot longer ago than 2016.

Genuinely speaking...what is the Republicans’ soul exactly? They’re supporting a child molester so they can pass a tax plan getting called irresponsible in the pages of Forbes.

The actual penis head has been using that shape much, much longer than the concept of Darth Vader has been around.

The thing that also bothers me is that you can’t level up your classes like you’d think—meaning each infantry/hero/starfighter class has a level and to unlock each star card slot and upgrade the cards you have to be at a certain level with that class, but the only way to level up is to get loot boxes that might get a