
Maybe people just don’t have the energy to stay up late and watch a bland idiot pimp terrible movies, tv shows and fawn over vapid celebrities.

I’d watch the show if it had a little counter in the lower right hand corner that tallied every one of his weird little incoherent mumbles. Or every time he comes down with a case of the self laffies. Or both!

From a purely grammatical standpoint, no, but the nuances of communication extend way past that. The implication of one statement is that women should be believed with no exceptions, under all circumstances, the other implies merely that sexual harassment accusations are often hard to immediately prove without a

This is a lie, there’s no way you have a gf. Nice try though.

So what you’re saying is you had a talk with your girl where you said ‘hey if you ever get raped but don’t report it, I don’t want to hear about it’ And she was all ‘yes, thank you. I agree.’

Maybe believing women is more important than your whinging about the semantics of a hashtagable catchline.

So your upset that an opinion you have might be criticized?

1) What does it mean to “have all the facts”? When is that a condition that ever exists when you’re trying to make an assessment? How would you even know whether that condition has been met.

Phrases, slogans, idioms are not intended to be literally and logically parsed. They’re supposed represent principles that at least some group of people generally agree on. The focus should be on understanding those principles, rather than construing the phrasing with traditional tools of logic or sentence

It sure the fuck is! Are you completely incapable on your own of evaluating and assessing contradictory pieces of evidence to come to reasoned conclusions? If so, I don’t know how you’ve made it this far in life, that’s a basic adult skill. Is it your contention that every allegation needs to be run through the

Just goes to show that any time you begin to doubt whether these people are that fucking stupid, yes, be reassured that they are indeed that fucking stupid.

My favorite bit from the article is, after this woman told her story and ways informed it would have to be fact checked, she immediately started to back off, telling the reporter she was getting a “negative energy” and didn’t want to come forward. Like, this mental giant genuinely thought the way this works is you


Lost in all this BS is that Time Magazine is itself BS, and always has been. Yeah, let’s defer great social value to this thin politics rag.

Deadspin called to say that I was PROBABLY gonna be ungreyed, but I would have to agree to stop half-assing my comments. I said probably is no good, and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

It’s a sexism thing, which is why you see idiotic rituals trying to confirm women’s virginity or faithfulness all over the world. Religion is a tool people use to justify their underlying beliefs and preferences.

Thing is, I don’t even disagree with your premise — if Ray Allen (or anyone else!) prefers playing the field to marriage, that’s cool with me, and he should do that and not get married (or get married to someone who is cool with it, I don’t judge people’s consensual arrangements). But there’s a lot of people who

I’ll say to this what I say to all hip religion: