
You’re a fucking idiot.

So you are cool with a necro-pedo-cannibal club meeting at a park next to your children’s school? I mean they are just talking.

Could be me, but a lot of times when someone starts off with “I have an amazing marriage with an amazing woman” it hints to them trying to compensate for a not so amazing marriage.

Honestly, if you are going to cheat, then at least be realistic about shit.

WTF? Failing to teach teens about how to protect themselves from STDs and pregnancy has... what to do with a supposed adult keeping the promise he willingly made to the woman he supposedly loves for 2 GD months, exactly?

Seriously. The last two letters. Men refusing to accept that they have to tell their dick “NO”.


It’s not even that, bro. What astounds me is that this fucking didgeridouche has the gall to state “I have an amazing marriage with an amazing woman” and then in the next paragraph ask, “Should I cheat on her with this chick I’ve known for 2 months?”

It’s incredible isn’t it? Not to mention how creepy it is, particularly considering the zeitgeist regarding sexual harassment, that this guy, seemingly in some position of authority over this young woman, can’t take “no” for a fucking answer.

Pop quiz, hotshot: You’ve caught feels for this woman. ... What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?

Ironically, many of the grays hate mixing blacks and whites.

The question is, why the fuck is Border Patrol listening to a guy like this? He is clearly in need of some kind of help, but they just take him at his word when he claims that he someone is in the country illegally.

Thanks for this explanation! Last week I was erring on the side of being OK with loot boxes, but I have very limited experience with them, and certainly not with some of the more predatory practices you wrote about. Definitely changing my mind on this.

First off, no press is bad press. Second, if the game doesn’t sell well and it’s because of this, not something unrelated, then the terrorists have won already.

*Call of Duty trailer shows hero shooting terrorists*

You’re hitting the “just have more willpower” reflex of every internet poster that *doesn’t* know what addiction feels like. :/

Your argument doesn’t account for how deeply, pervasively ingrained trash behaviour and thought patterns are in men. We’re soaking in misogyny from birth, mate. Not just the blatant stuff either. There’s countless little ways that we contribute to misogyny that are so common we don’t even notice, we just take them for

You know what? I scrolled by the “men are trash” logo without doing a thing. Then i saw your whiny comment and went back to star it. I’m not crazy about generalizations, but people who cry over generalizations in a social context where a group dominates another (with all the consequence-free abuse that entails) are

I think the games industry and early magazine journalism ala Nintendo Power has done a lot to perpetuate the myth that brand loyalty and consumption is unimpeachably good. That purchasing games and supporting companies is the best thing you can do.

I’m a man. Whether I’m trash is neither here nor there, but I’m sure as fuck not going to disagree with you. Saying #notallmen are trash is like saying #notallviruses kill people.

They’re slot machines in everything but name, meticulously crafted to encourage player spending and keep them on the hook.