
wall built to defend against mexico ends up hurting united states

I will try to visit every anti-Trump site there is, but that’s a huge task.

The director also said, “There is a power in our gentleness that the world sometimes does not see or acknowledge.” ✊🏽❤️

Ungraying and trying to hold discourse with trolls is just stupid on multiple levels and thus, inviting even more trolls to come on down and plague the comment sections. I don’t give a fuck if you are bored, you damn well should know better.

It’s amazing that you don’t see the irony of your pissing and moaning about “marginalizing” people who literally want to take away other people’s right to be themselves—and emotionally torture them in the process.

Spot fucking on. “Pewdiepie isn’t a racist. He’s just making jokes, bro.” We fucking tried to tell everyone that trump was putting all the racists in power. No, Milo wasn’t a fucking joker. He’s a fucking anti-Semite and a blatant racist. “But, he married a black guy!” Bullshit. I’ll eat my fucking hat if that thing

Close— it doesn’t start out as an actual joke, it starts out as a “C’mon, learn to take a joke, you fat feminazis”.

But it always starts out as a joke, doesn’t it?

We’ve reached a point where anyone who sees an actual Nazi and says “Hey maybe we should hear them out/give them a chance..” needs to be considered at minimum a sympathizer.

That fucking exposé, man.

It’s the sexist equivalent of calling a black man “boy.” It shows you view the person as not to be taken seriously. Boy isn’t a slur, until you think about what it is intended to mean.

Fuck this loser. But more importantly, fuck Turkey.

No but having regret for the fact that you were wrong does. Which was also admitted. Go find someone who still wants the guns to drag through the coals. Fighting converts is not a smart battle.

You don’t think Marston was a sociopath?

Yea it looks amazing though what we’re seeing is probably the pro/X version. I’m sure it’ll still look amazing in the regular hardware still though.

I don’t like playing the role of a psychopath or sociopath.

Actually I disagree, and I don’t see how this isn’t a simple argument. They’re saying sex does not equal sexual orientation in these cases. That’s simple to disprove. If you fire me for being gay, you are firing me because of my sex relative to the sex of my partner. You would not fire me if I was a woman having sex

Also, being contrary or “provocative” purely for it’s own sake? I call that “being 13.”

You should ask for your money back.