
You don’t need to write a 300-page anything to correctly understand or explain the reality of today’s American political porridge. That’s a straw man deflection away from my point, which is: Your metaphor is simplistic and ultimately false.

Thank you for explaining something to me which I already knew. Would you like me to explain what parenthesis are? Or scare quotes?

Wonderful metaphor...

Get bent, Nazi apologist.

Go fuck yourself with having to jump in with your ‘it’s all the same on both sides’ bullshit. One group has a history of slavery, endemic and systemic racism, and a system designed to work against them. The other is mad they can’t be racist anymore. In case you missed it, go fuck yourself.

I read the content, but was left wondering where the expected assholery was. Perhaps the assholery was within me all along, I don’t know.

Headline: Conor Oberst Compares Being Falsely Accused of Rape to Car Crash


They sound like lyrics to a really fucked up version of “You Can Call Me Al.”

Well it’s still gross looking.

If every term is usurped by some theoretical group without being eventually reclaimed back into the zeitgeist, then I supposed you’d be correct.

Don’t be cute. Just because they didn’t invent a word out of whole cloth, you can’t pretend that they haven’t made a concerted and very recognizable effort to usurp the term exclusively as an insult against left leaning individuals. Cuckold has also existed for quite some time; are you going to try and tell me that

Oh, I find that positivity bullshit to be its own form of aggression. A former friend of mine labeled anything she didn’t like or any critical opinion she didn’t agree with as “negative.” It was such a maddening, disingenuous copout.

“For now, the women are using their aggressive positivity to float above the negative press”

Am I out of touch for not knowing who these very attractive folks are?

Cara Delevingne is a singer now.

Absolutely not. Do you know how creepy that would be. At 8 years old when my parents divorced I would instantly pick up on the tension or subtext if my parents tried that, they floated the idea to us a few times because all of the pop psychology said to do this in the 90's. I also know that deep down dad would use it

So, Neymar to Merseyside then. That should shake up the Premier League race.

“Some of the people that are opposed to this, there are female senators from the Northeast... If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style,”