
Those dogs are up for adoption. Sadly, there appears to be a culture where the father isn’t involved. I stopped watching when I realized the Puppy Bowl was the only way out for those dogs.

Wow, this guy is nuts. He’s the worst warlord and second-worst MMA chief executive in the world right now.

Sadly I was seriously a little nervous that the black teen in the first video was gonna get shot.

I think we all went on that joy=>sadness journey together.

Two obvious takes

FFWD to 2045: “I really think today, in our time of crisis, is the day where Josh Paul transitioned from Candidate Paul to President Paul.”

I thought we covered that on “insane whiteboy shit”

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

“Balsy” looks like an obnoxious hipster’s for balsamic vinegar.

Yeah of course it is. Those circumstances are prevalent all throughout society greater or lesser degrees. There’s no inherent difference in genders, it’s just the way we’re socialised. That’s pretty much feminism in a nutshell.

I wonder what her Kinja screen name is.

Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a


Ban all travel from Ireland...until we figure out what’s going on.

So if a white guy calls a black guy the n-word in the street, is no one else allowed to be offended by that because the black guy could hit him? Or because only the person the racist directly addresses gets to feel insulted?

Their pettiness is truly pathetic. There are so many things that he does that deserve legitimate scrutiny, and they got caught up in this shit.

Griezmann is preferred to Lacazette. Giroud is not preferred to Lacazette. They are all forwards but they play different roles in the French attack. I think that nuance is lost on you.

The joke’s on CBS, Emma Stone won’t be any cheaper.

Of course Canada has a great history of snipers. Have you ever walked up to a person just to shoot them in the face? It’s very rude!