
Hamfisted exposition.

Love how they both look very happy that she won.

“It’s super scary because I’m always afraid that I’m gonna burn all my bridges by saying something a stupid kid like myself would say. I’m still growing up!”

Maybe Australians can fix the Great Barrier Reef next...

Wait, shouldn’t the tour apologize for clinging to the sexist vestige of “podium girls?”

I’m watching Predator at work

I can barely afford rent, much less furnishings, so that’s not a problem.

On one hand, i guess it sucks.

I live in an apartment. Is that going to be a problem?

I just sort of skimmed the article, but I think I got the gist of it.

I read that in the Orca’s Gazette Daily. It was in the Om nom nom section.

Nope, you should still pretty much worry about the sharks. Neither sharks nor orcas really want to eat our boney, blubber-less backsides. Orcas just aren’t dumb enough to need to take a (often lethal) test-bite out of us to figure that out.

No, that isn’t a fucked up approach. That is EXACTLY how language works. Ask any linguist, anywhere.

“I’m evaluating whether to see this before Spidey.”

I saw the first two (recent) Apes films fairly recently, and was genuinely surprised at how good they were. I’d been expecting entertaining summer popcorn fodder but they’re so much more than that. Really looking forward to this one, and glad it seems to be maintaining the standard.

I’ve been saying it since the first in this series, these films are WAY better than they have any right to be given the source material.

How ‘bout a bill that requires classes teaching police how to interact with kids?

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Rhetorical question, but, why are juries so eager to believe that black men always intend to to shoot cops and will make illogical decisions in pursuit of that goal? Like daring a cop to shoot them (because maybe he believes that he’s bulletproof)? Or pointing a plastic gun at a cop (expecting something other than

This is what training is for, whether he received it or it was even available, and it seems to be a pretty common explanation for a lot of this shit.