
TBH this is really what men think when they see it

Everyone should watch this if they’re able. Watch this and learn the importance of believing women telling their abuse stories. Watch this and learn how your shaming and “she’s just doing it for attention/money,” narrative makes other victims too scared and ashamed to come forward. Hearing those woman talk about how

I can’t believe the person who thinks Santa is white was so expertly outmaneuvered by a man who thinks the world is run by fluoride-producing swamp lizards.

The optimal healthcare system provides equal access to quality care for every American, regardless of income or means.

Both. History and study has exhaustively demonstrated that “free market” healthcare does not produce optimal outcomes for most, and that “trickle-down economics” is and always has been a scam.

The AHCA would put health insurance out of reach for 23 million Americans who currently have access to insurance. It would ALSO provide more than $600 billion in tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.

I likely to opt for PES over FIFA this year. FIFA was okay, a good package, but as someone who’d played mostly PES, it still doesn’t play as well.

Are we not discussing Usain Bolt?

Totally agree. In any other professional setting that would be just as bad as admitting fault for whatever the problem is.

I will never stop loving this:

It’s not that racists are all that more brazen, they’ve been doing this shit all along. Except it was never considered “news” and therefore completely ignored by media outlets. So most nice white people who never saw personally just assumed that us black snowflakes were overreacting or making shit up. It’s only

I love this. lol

Comment of the day.

Whenever I point out to a man I’m talking to that libertarians are almost exclusively men, they look at me with their heads sort of cocked to the side, like they think I’m wrong or the idea has never crossed their minds. I guess you only realize how full the party is of insecure dudes when you’ve had the displeasure

How can I give you more stars?

Holy shit!

Libertarianism is like astrology for men.

“MOM! You’re MMAbarrassing me!”

Listen man, get fucked with your bullshit.