
Well this is good information. Thank you for that and true, should try to see it in more detail and not have a kneejerk, black-and-white response. I am more aware of the specifics than the average foreigner, just because I’m really interested in Yellowstone but you’re right, bad planning, consultation and

I always try to see things from other people’s perspective and in the case of the Yellowstone wolves the cattle farmers seem to have a legitimate gripe. Wolves were eradicated from the area a long time ago so when many made the decision to go into raising big, slow, delicious cows they weren’t anticipating having to

By Jezebel standards I’m a dirty heathen male chauvinist pig, but I didn’t find Top Of The Lake misandrist( misandric?).

Saying that Native Americans take anything for granted seems like one of the most outrageously offensive things you could possibly let pass through your lips.

Yeah, no. Fuck off with your libertarian piggybacking, you fucking loon. There should be more than two laws.

The only people who are going to be upset about this, people who focus on “civility” instead of the content of the message, are people who are looking for something to be upset about anyway. Fuck the optics.

Yes. Why can’t we treat shitty people who want to do shitty things with more DECORUM and RESPECT. The only way they will realize how disliked they are for the shitty things they want to do is if everyone sits politely and smiles at them.

Is it possible that Ted Cruz is not a great constitutional scholar or master debater...?

Boy, first we find out Paul Ryan isn’t a policy expert and now this. My faith in the party of Lincoln is starting to waver, guys...

Truly. Madly.

I feel like you’re burying the “Aaron Hernandez quoted Savage Garden in his suicide note” lede here.

This will definitely carry over to Wimbledon:

Any man who speaks about abortion should have to provide at least 5 referral letters from real women who he has spent more than 20 minutes with and at least one romantic partner. Also they need to be able to point out he essential parts of lady anatomy otherwise SHUT UP

The game really wasn’t that exciting. I think Patrick’s trying to put lipstick on a Puig here.

His voice is like if a gamergater’s penis could talk.

No, he’s not. There is a clear correlation of notes between the Vanilla Ice track and “Under Pressure” - if it isn’t a looped sample to begin with. The argument here is that the actual notes of “Blurred Lines” don’t match up with “Got to Give It Up” - versus something like George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” and The

Among his sins against the American people is how O’Reilly weaponized the ignorance of some in his audience. He help found the current cadre of far-right thought leaders and helped push their ideas to the mainstream.

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

I watched this earlier, amazing. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the orange”.

Just as I would have no pity for Ben Carson for any racist treatment he gets from the Trump administration, I cannot muster any pity for Tantaros given her race-baiting along with the rest of the Fox crew. She sold her soul, and now she feels she was cheated? I’m saving my sympathy for the families of Trayvon Martin,

Sometimes you hear things and you have empathy or feel for the person and other times you don’t.