
She was insulted out of the gate by the man speaking to the suspect before the caller. That is not procedure and set the tone for the rest of the encounter, just like he wanted.

“So yea, I have a bias, but it is because of what I have seen with my eyes, not what I read on the internet.”

you don’t want to have a conversation you idiot. You want to show off how racist and proud of it you are. No one cares about your job or your success BECAUSE YOU ARE A RACIST PIECE OF SHIT. Repeat this to yourself when you look in the mirror tonight. Do better for your kid for fucks sake.

Zack? Is that you? I remember telling a kid off in high school who decided he had the right to be racist because his uncle had bad interactions with black people. So congrats you have the intellectual capacity of a 16 year old boy AND you’re a proud racist. Fuck you.

This is the comment that proves what an utter piece of shit you really are. Take your tone policing and respectability bullshit and choke on it.

Being racist is not being civil. Who exactly do you think you’re fooling with this act? Most people here are quite familiar with this whole shtick from interactions with similar racist trash.

Flagged. Fuck off back to Stormfront.

You are a piece of shit. Abusive authority doesn’t deserve respect.

No really, fuck you.

You don’t get to be offended by someone saying “fuck you” and then rail about safe spaces and triggering. You’re not some victim of exclusionary dialogue, you just got called out for having a shitty opinion.

As another Christian, let me just respond by saying: No. And stop trying to make your belief system “scientific.”

“ as Christian, I challenge the scientific claims of evolution”

Now playing

Science isn’t simple, if you fucking learned basic chemistry 101 that it isn’t.

Cool beans, glad to see everyone’s got this one covered. I’m happy to see that when I mention Flatearthers, the Climate Change Deniers jump right in there too, as if to say: “Hey now, my good man! These Flatearth fellows don’t have a monopoly on willful ignorance!”

You really should learn what a fact is before you say things like that.

I’m seeing conflicting reports:

I can’t help but think that him awarding and crediting Anita Sarkeesian, still has many little boys trying to rationalize how a great game could be done with the contribution of a feminist:
“Say it isn’t true, Druckman! SAY IT ISN’T TRUE! My ‘Y’ chromosome is being threatened!”

I guess I’ll just post this again then:

On the one hand “talk shit, get hit”.

Before the trolls get here and say “take this back to gawker... oh wait” I just want to say, thanks. The fact that Kotaku, as much as this is a meme post, tries to incorporate real-world news into gaming culture is amazing because how important it is. Whenever I see a post regarding American politics on Kotaku, I’m