
A part of me really wants to agree with you. And maybe it’s because I’m from a different country - trust me. OUR fucken idiot racist arsehole morons have elected representatives to parliament that would make your eyes water. Literally, we have certified card-carrying bigots and conspiracy theorists alongside White

It’s not a matter of other people vs. yourself. It’s a matter of people who are suffering as a direct result of their own actions vs. people who are suffering through no fault of their own.

I feel the exact opposite: They should have cut the present-day plotline entirely.

I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that a game about WW1 had more stealth than it did war. The majority of the game had you by yourself sneaking around... I expected it to be more along the lines of the prologue and trench warfare etc. More war, less metal gear please.

Personally, I’m really disappointed that the campaign neglected French and German perspectives. It was very Entente-biased.

endless criticism for the past, god what is it now 10 years?

So basically you have no clue what the word “triggered” means or what “safe spaces” are, but you like how Breitbart makes fun of them so you’re trying to imitate it?

LOL. White people to Blacks whose ancestors they enslaved for 200 years and then socially crippled them for another century: “OMG shut up with your trauma and systemic disadvantage already resulting from centuries of being oppressed! Us Whites have been living under your criticism for decades! Haven’t we suffered

The world is becoming less violent everyday.

This might actually be the best thing, of any kind, I have seen this year.

“Not interested in punishing Tilda. I think she’s amazing. And I think she has a blindspot here. The two things can exist together.”

+1 yes. So often we’re looking for one bad person and one good person at the end of an exchange like this one. Understanding nuance saves us from a lot of misplaced anger.

The way I see it, there are a lot of parallels between this situation and the situation of a guy pulling aside a woman at work and asking her “could you explain this ‘feminism’ thing to me? I want to do the right thing but I haven’t heard much about these ‘microaggressions’ and ‘intersectionality’ among my white male

If this team is a tank, it’s one that’s lost its treads over the past several matches, picking up only 8 of an available 15 points against several beatable sides. And Coutinho is the engine that powers this team, not Lallana, and his absence is felt based upon those results.

This team has many similarities to the 13/14

“It’s a sovereign immune vessel, clearly marked in English not to be removed from the water - that it was U.S. property.”(Reuters)

I like this so much better than the silence thing.

The problem is 1) unpaid internships benefit only those already wealthy enough to forgo, you know, getting paid 2) MLB is a comically wealthy group of people who routinely pillage the public purse to enrich themselves AND think it’s ok to get people to work for them for free. This response is disgusting, that’s what’s

You’re looking at it from the wrong perspective. Hannah is not telling some kid who’s looking to break into a tough industry to get bent. She is telling an organization, owned by a billionaire, itself worth over $1 billion, with yearly revenues in the hundreds of millions, who still want free or grossly underpaid

Why do you even accept your paycheck if you actually believe this bullshit?

Because perpetual outrageous lies are ever so much more palatable when they come out of a man’s mouth.