
Exactly. I’m nauseated by thinkpiece parenting.

The author of the article states, “But I do think that toys often act as anesthetics, and that the way we shop for our kids is often at odds with what we want for them, or how we hope they turn out to be.” She also states that “we all love” the kids who are “independent,” “Huck Finn” types, but we insist on buying

“I am scared I will not have the same rights with this President.”

If the kid was shrieking for designer togs that cost four figures, or a wardrobe full of tracksuits and Pumas and gold chains, maybe yes, it would be symptom of being overmarketed to and forced out of childhood too quickly. But one single thing? That’s actually doing really well.

....and for fuck’s sake, can we put to rest the idea that buying ‘too many’ presents for kids is gonna make them materialistic and shallow? Having parents with shitty values is what makes kids materialistic and shallow, not giving them too many Lego sets or whatever. The world may be fucked, but it isn’t some

I didn’t realize your 3 and 5 year old were personally responsible for the state of the world but if you really feel like ruining their Christmas instead of doing anything proactive like, oh, I don’t know, contacting your senator or volunteering with an organization that’s actively affected by the state of things,

This is someone I’ve given advice to (I’m old enough to be his mother) and he knows that I spend a great deal of time volunteering and donating to causes related to underprivileged and kids in foster care. I am also a woman of Mexican descent. Trump and his ideals are a direct assault to causes near and dear to my

If Kotaku stopped writing about any gaming personality/company that lied and manipulated people for their own benefit, they wouldn’t have anyone to write about.

I dunno guys I’m just thankful we didn’t end up with that AWFUL woman with her EXTREMELY conflict-filled AAA-rated life-saving CHARITY as president though, right?

Things are different in different countries, I think - where I am, the papers, nationwide, are almost all owned by a couple of giant, conservative media groups. The one major paper not owned by them is liberal, but definitions of “liberal” and “conservative” also differ across borders - Obama would be a conservative

Get to this place? Get? Have you not paid attention to the last 200 years of American history? We’ve been there for a very long time!

If Fox was able to grow as much as it did, that suggests that there was room on the right for it to grow, which casts a bit of doubt on your idea that the media have always been rock-robbed right-wing. They have been, more than not - you’re right there - but there was a lot more diversity of ownership up until quite

each commandoes game is $0.60 each on Steam right now. You can buy the 4 game bundle for $1.95USD.

Oh man Commandos 1 & 2, I don’t think my quicksave finger ever had such a workout.

A lot of people are on payment plans that let them continually upgrade phones so long as they keep paying the $25, monthly. For those people, they only have to protect their phones for 1 or 2 years. Which, conveniently, is around the time that normal wear and tear can start to become so prevalent that a new phone

I can’t tell whether or not this is a parody or he’s for real.

How likely is it that a person with European ancestry and dark hair has some Ashkenazi Jewish descendants? Pretty high, I’d bet.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.