
It’s especially crazy when you consider that there are real human institutions that are fronts for child sex. Like the Catholic Church, or Penn State under Joe Paterno.

Fuck yeah to this ENTIRE comment.

The worst part is Paul Ryan just today (add in Pence too) says, “who cares about his non-factual tweets?” A fucking disgrace they’ve become.

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.

It’s an evil world. Always has been. Always will be. A lot of people are good, but collectively we’re just an evil shitshow.

Because it is the mall of America. It is like the face of America. The face of America cant be black. That would be like electing a black president. It just isnt done.

Seen one, seen the mall...

Then you underestimate how racist the country is.

This isn’t really in response to you, but I don’t want to reply to the people who are actually saying this shit, and your comment is tangentially related:

I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.

Cynicism is, at its heart, optimistic. I appreciate the endorsement, but we’ve both failed at kinja by not calling each other various iterations of penis breath.

I say this as someone whose family put in three generations of labor for GM- Everyone should go to Flint once in their life.

If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.

Hitler killed 6-10 million people in about 6 years (battlefield combatants not included) his county had a population of 67 million. Castro killed about 10 thousand in about 60 years, country population of 11 million.

Must be nice.

If you guys ran an unchallenged opinion from some other reactionary conservative demographic in the United States, you would rightfully be criticized for it. But of course you never would do that, would you? The claim that Fidel Castro’s crimes are equivalent in scale to those of Adolf Hitler is so fucking absurd to

No, more like “Fidel was responsible for many civil rights abuses and must be judged harshly for them, but comparing him to Adolf Hitler is absurd on a number of dimensions, and while we’re busy judging a dead guy let’s remember that we are currently supporting dictatorships that have inflicted far worse on their

Now playing

The Cuban ex-pat community is one of the most reactionary political demographics in the United States. They’re one of the only identifiable groups of voters of color who went for Donald Trump in the election. So I don’t expect more from Le Batard. But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via

If you’re spending any time on r/all... that’s the wrong way to reddit. I’ve whittled my front page down to subreddits like r/campingandhiking, r/personalfinance, r/nba, etc. It’s a useful tool if you curate it for yourself and I haven’t seen a single trace of r/the_donald all year.