
So just a question on the logic of the image you posted and your obvious point...

There’s a scene (and pardon my inaccuracy, I’ve only ever seen it once), where Noomi Rapace’s character runs to a surgical bay to have something removed, and it was tense, terrifying and well put together and - ultimately - felt like the movie it wanted to be but completely wasn’t. If we get more of that in the

Which only makes the story that much more inexcusable.

You know racism’s gotten bad when male cheerleaders think they have the right to make fun of anyone else.

Did everyone just ignore the fact that Forrest Gump was at another white house event?

Oh so Jordan is running for President in 8 years now that Obama roasted him?

while we did break several treaties shamefully in the past, the United States has treated Native Americans extraordinarily well on balance.

well you ARE talking about something that happened 2000 years ago, as opposed to 150.

So are you confirming or denying that you use spells to control the media?

Well of course people are going to react that way; you’re posing the issue as “instead of” rather than “as well as”. One would think that you’d feel solidarity with these water protectors instead of implying that people who care about Native water rights somehow care less about clean water for everyone else.

Also the fickleness of how we choose what to champion.

Well that’s sort of not true; by treaty, it is the Natives’ land, it’s just that the government has broken the treaty (there was a massacre here 100 years ago over this). The corporation has easement onto the land because of imminent domain. So, it depends whether you respect the law of treaties or the law of imminent

Web Nazis?

Came here to say this. Let’s call them what they are.

The alt-right are triggered young white males. They need a safe space to sort through their feelings. Also the alt-right are neo-nazis.

Looking at the swastikas my theory its some preteen kid trying to be edgy. I still think this was a the correct response. Zero tolerance. You either mean it or you’re a troll. It’s the damn trolls that got us into this mess in the first place so zero tolerance to both.

they shouldn’t be dealt with differently. each example of hate, whatever it’s motivation, should be critically examined by the community, questioned and challenged. this kind of antisocial harmful behaviour should never be ignored or excused, whatever the pathology behind it.

This is a great point. The way to make sure that fascism isn’t normalized is to just let expressions of fascism exist without critical comment.

The ability to differentiate between genuine hate and just trolling assholes

For many years, we on the left tried to change the language people used. We didn’t say “colored people,” but “people of color.” We didn’t say “homosexual,” but “gay.” We didn’t say, “Oriental,” but “Asian,” etc. etc. etc.