
It seems like she lost some power by torquing her wrist 180 degrees to make it an open handed slap. But it seems really powerful because she got her right in the neck. I’d have made it a straight backhanded neck slap, not to be a Monday morning quarterslap. When you’re under pressure in the pocket, everyone makes slap

+1,000,000 and counting

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

All the crap too huge to go thru the drain.

I understand. I think it’s the frustration that we haven’t heard the suffering of minorities, like, ever - and now white people are burning the whole thing down because we’re not listening to them.

Man, if only democrats or a Democratic president had tried to help retain them if they lost their jobs to trade deals, help their kids have more/cheaper access to education, put them to work repairing America’s infrastructure, or entice companies to bring jobs back to America.

And you see what’s happening? The problem is that everyone else “didn’t listen” to these poor, unsuccessful white people, and that the rest of us are being “divisive” and calling them the worst possible slur you can call a white person: racist! So as we keep talking about it and talking about it, even supposedly

Well, liberals also didn’t want to go to war in the Middle East which effectively created ISIS. So there’s that.


I broke my fricken tailbone too, btw...

Came here to look for this video. This kid is incredible. His balance is out of this world good.

Now playing

He’s not just good at Freelines, his street skating blows my fucking mind.

I cut off some family and neighbors and have no regrets. I cannot look at them the same. I have ZERO respect for them. Just none. They are selfish as far as I am concerned and an embarrassment. The 3rd party voters for me are worse because a) I am in PA which is a state tat fucked everything up and b) I am

defending his “smartest dude in sports” title belt, in my opinion.

Disabled American here. Just wanted to pop in (pun intended) and show my appreciation for this man and what he said. Some of us White people are gonna get seriously fucked by all of this nonsense too.

My position ends with a meritocratic society. Your turn.

I, for one, do think that kind of prioritization is racist.

The idea that everyone that voted for Trump is a racist is puerile baloney.

“build a strong coalition of those suffering from inequality”

Sure, but the idea that everyone who voted for trump had more of a problem with insecure emails than with racism is pretty much spot on.