

Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.

I think she gets way too much credit for the “so great” she does. She’s being graded on a curve against her fellow Fox hosts and that really distorts what she’s really like. Most of the liberals who love her don’t watch her show and thus really only see the “great” times which are fairly few and far between. And

I don’t think she is confusingly loveable at all, even if she threw a sick burn on Hannity. And I know some people call her a feminist, but I feel like she only is when it is convenient for her.

And even though she’ll “report” on “one of those crazy conspiracy theories” (Like the “mysterious” thing that Hillary wore during the debate that was her mic-pack) and give it a wink and a shrug, she’s STILL REPORTING THE CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIES and the loons that watch Fox don’t hear the sarcasm, they just hear the

Megyn Kelly is a Republican white feminist. She supports ideals that benefit her (e.g. White Jesus/Santa), but is very vocal about those that directly affect her (calling out her colleagues for their views on maternity leave, calling out Donald trump for his attitude against women).

The jolly fat man who is best friends with elves and rides around on magical reindeer can be whatever the fuck color he needs to be in any given situation

In case I wasn’t being clear, it’s confusing for white women.

Yes to all that.

Exactly, every immigrant who wants legal papers has to go through the same process, no one has it easier, some people born in some selected countries have even a more difficult process.

And this is how the process is, for every person who wants to have a green card in USA.

Several things:

Assuming your “Asian friend” is a real person *snorts back disbelief,* congratulations! You’re friends with an ignorant bigot. Because last I checked being an illegal immigrant in a total cake walk, of course. I mean don’t we constantly pause and say to ourselves, “Man, I totally wish I was an illegal immigrant so my

it’s true - undocumented Mexican and Central/South American immigrants are KILLING IT and living la vida loca and dolce. It is a fucking cake walk being in a country illegally, having no idea what your rights are, and fearing being separated from your family at every interaction with officials. Killing it, I tell you.

Yep, especially since that time he/his dad/their friends rode ATVs through a native american burial site near their land in arizona, or the time they dug through burial mounds at Malheur because they didn’t know how to not be pieces of human garbage.

And Black Lives Matter. He is worried about the safety of his family from government authorities being overly aggressive and trampling civil rights. I wonder why he hasn’t backed their protests? Oh, right.

Right and I like how the government that does things like, I don’t know, set up nature reserves for him to quite literally shit on is somehow automatically a worse steward of our natural resources than the guys who want to overgraze delicate ecosystems for more money.

It’s for my children, grandchildren… Everything comes from the Earth and if [the government] can get control of the resources, they can get control of the people.”