
Most wouldn’t rape. Most would, however, doubt the accuser and protect the man accused.

The point is that imagery monkeys / apes / gorillas is often used as a racist insult against black people. So criticizing BLM using explicitly racist imagery actually strengthens BLM’s point.

I was thinking a lot more about what a dumbass you were.

harambe never entered my mind (except in my dreams). maybe because this was on the heels of that incident in the college quad in kentucky. in any event, because of the racially charged nature of the entire BLM/ALM issue, a gorilla suit is really fucking tone deaf.

No “s”. Offside is soccer, offsides is (american) football

Mimic Superman, nobody says a word. Mimic Hawkeye, flag. Hawkeye can’t get any respect.

Looks like Kos gets the touch, his is the teal boot, not sure how Ox would have got a touch, might have actually kicked Kos’s foot, and thought he got the ball.


A handball can be called even when not deliberate, like when the ball goes to the arm and the arm is in an ‘unnatural’ position. In this case though I feel no call is the right call.

His arm is extended at a right angle from his body and the ball would have gone over unless he knocked it in with his (extended from his body) arm.


That part I got, you get no translation fee for today.

Sorry, that’s embarrassing!

As an aside, I just noticed your username...

You see that’s where I give Libertarians a bit of leeway - some of the ones I’ve spoken to genuinely naive to the fact that their ideology would be damaging for so many other people - they seem to genuinely believe that we are all equal in terms of privaledge and opportunity. But yeah the actual political leadership

Yeah there are some real gems. Always a laugh when someone insults libertarians.

What’s the phrase? That’s not a defect, that’s a feature.

The “school[ing]” that intellectual Libertarians might give you would only be a better job at hiding exactly what you’ve already figured out is true about their policy positions. But I’ll give you more credit than you will give yourself: you’ve already accurately determined the gist of their platform. The

Man, this place is a liberal echo chamber.

When I was 18, I thought I might be libertarian. I talked with some libertarians, and within 30 minutes I heard