
Agreed. It was clear from how quick it escalated in the cctv footage that this person is not well. Say your piece and take your kids away from the psycho.

Liverpool fan for all 40 of my years. Agree with you. You’re getting shit for that comment, but I’ve heard respected football journalists on the Guardian podcasts say the exact same thing. Henderson can be a monster - but as a key 1st team player in the midfield, he lacks enough creativity.

This doesn’t even have to be a cross cultural debate about what White has let fester and what people do in Dagestan. In most, of not all other sports in the west alone, you would get fined or punished for saying such shit. Trash talk is left between players in the heat of battle and the worst elements of the crowd.

The difference that these stunted morons on 4chan have with the people in the halls of power who see so many of their fellow humans as literal npc’s to be corralled and manipulated and exploited, is purely superficial.

At Uni I had a cute Christian girl who came on to me by knocking on my dorm door late one night asking for a kiss. But she didn’t want sex in the preceding month or so that she toyed with the idea of being in a relationship. Her older sister - who she loved and respected - was in an in-married relationship having sex

I am the most excited I have been in a long time for a game, for the upcoming Red Dead redemption, but that also makes me the most nervous - I’m worried that Rockstar has not advanced their actual game-play and mission structures enough (recently re-bought GTAV and am rolling my eyes at some of the missions and

I feel ya, but I’m firmly in the “it’s a good start” camp.

Hi, do you know how exactly the Lidar works? How does it eliminate the trees etc.?

Such a great day - my first racist (and can I also claim misogynist, by association to the topic?).

I can’t imagine even noticing the fact it’s a woman- that’s how insecure these fucks are. The characters might say something but mostly they are tiny figurines in a total war game.

Yep I agree. Not saying it’s any more than a yellow but that angle most definitely shows him curling his fingers as if he’s scratch him - and the rest of his body language isn’t shaped to just give the sarcastic pat on the head some people give opponents.

Nope. That’s wasn’t my point at all.

Yeah, I’m afraid your friend is a pot-head. What’s that got to do with my point?

Just like you wouldn’t want somebody drinking on the job.

There are people commenting here saying they don’t want space x engineers or military people smoking pot. The stupid and irrational fear of pot and pot smokers still pervades society - by people who manage to cope with the presence of alcohol consumption.

...and why shouldn’t pot be allowed for mil/govt security clearances? Is alcohol allowed?

Lol, I think when we’re taking about expensive cars, people like you are allowed to be snobs - and totally own it. I’d like to eat one of your sandwiches. And that’s not innuendo btw.

Lol, ikr? That little bit at the end where he just assumes the press want to hear what he has to say after Rubio walks off, then someone interrupts him to ask him to move out of the way and he kind looks around and oblidges because he’s commanding zero respect or attention, is fucking hilarious.

I read the headlines with delight that someone was fucking Trump over - then I came to this article and read my first excerpts of the essay.

Would have been amazing if she had the morals, stomach and the brains to actually get better stuff. She could have done some good AND made money, but it seems her self serving imagination only went as far as “record some convos to make money”.