
What? Normally absolutely love your takes and input, but the reference to ww2 seems more nerdily specific than anything - she could have just said “joining the armed forces and signing up to put your life on the line.” I’m not sure you’ve even understood the analogy she was making - she’s not saying a candidacy and

Exactly, and at the very least it makes me think they’re horrible people completely ignorant to modern day problems with Nazi sympathisers, never mind the historical implications.

I support your decision, and just wanted to say it’s not an over-reaction. The normalising of Nazi symbolism is still inappropriate and still relevant to current day issues. It’s still not ok. There are still too many people who see it and think “cool”. When it’s an option that people can choose to represent

Oh god I know ALL people in some form or another don’t deal well with change, but I especially hate the ones who feel entitled to their patch of time and space. So much so they expect where they once used to live to never change either.

The opposite of irrational fear and hate isn’t “praise”.

On a Battlefield community Facebook page I belong to, some of the same people who write diatribes and post memes on political correctness ruining ‘their’ “historically accurate” franchise, are then seen in other posts saying they will still buy the game.

I’m actually hoping it is because they want to work on the game. Surely a big developer like this would have already made the call to move it away from those other two games, ages ago? Isn’t it more likely to do with wanting to polish it more? I dunno. I kept seeing a level of unpolished-ness in the closed alpha

In a better world you’d have a point - but warmongers are war mongers, and death and destruction is death and destruction. I just feel every time you try to be decent and civil in the face of evil deeds, you’re facilitating it. I can understand you feeling uncomfortable - challenging and disrespecting the legacy of

I think it’s a matter of priorities. I don’t think I’ve seen people say she didn’t do anything technically wrong, I’ve just seen people say it’s such small stakes to care as well as being a tiring thing to fixate on considering there was an investigation that didn’t turn up anything concrete - because in a world

Yeah but we’re the games you list still mega franchises? I’m not saying gta wouldn’t need to evolve if it started fizzling out in sales growth.

Yeah I know what you mean - like when they walk they tend to exaggerate how the arms are held. They’re such a big company you’d think it had to be a stylistic decision at this point - or the animation guys there are institutions and stuck in their ways.

Yeah I like how with GTA they haven’t really moved away from the core experience. The worlds just get richer . I often wonder why developers feel they have to deviate (looking at you DICE and what you’ve done to the Battlefield franchise after Bad Company 2) when dealing with a massive, loved and successful franchise.

I can see how the game mechanic is boring for some people. I do a lot of it begrudgingly but I like so much of the rest I ride it out -although I didn’t finish the first game because I hated some of the missions and how their formulaic nature broke the world for me (the final straw was the mission where in Mexico you

Personally I hope they tone it down a notch. I didn’t really like some of the over the top characters from the first game. But I get that’s a taste thing.

Wait, what!? I haven’t heard about this. At launch, what’s the cheapest version of the game missing, that the most expensive version will have? I don’t read stories about the different launch editions because I’ve never cared for fancier packaging or one or two extra weapons or outfits. Are you telling me it’s actual

“...especially given that he parked out of sight to let the juveniles out of the vehicle...Blackwell however, insisted that Terrell only thought that a fight would take place...”

Ugh, as a dad I live in fear of this. My oldest is 15 and I can’t tell what is “normal” teenage interest how she looks because of her awareness of her self as a young women, and what is the shite unattainable image stuff she’s getting from the trashy “celebrities” she follows on Instagram. One thing’s for sure - we’re

I hate that I’ve grown to respect him because from all I’ve read that cult damages people.

Seems some people answering your post didn’t realise you wrote “years” on purpose.

They were two unfortunate but correct things that happened. Greizmann didn’t dive. IMO there was enough contact - drawing the foul and flopping is a legitimate tactic I’m afraid. However as a neutral I hated that it lead to an own goal.