
See this is why sports people usually shouldn’t say shit about anything.

The point of this article is this:

What do you expect from a bunch of jocks who make a living following orders by crashing into each other?

Right, I see what you mean about “conversations about consent” now - I actually think we do most things similar and with virtually the same end goals and results. I’m a bit “lazier” than you in how I handle the example situations you put up.

Hah, no. I found the concept of what we focus on as parents interesting, is all - and I butted in when I really should have read slower and deeper into the posts so I could construct my words to better fit the context of a conversation you owned. I am by no means a perfect person, or parent, and neither were my

Right, it seems like we’re debating semantics here, and at the very least have the same outlook on this.

I’d say teaching them to be “nice” - ie “we don’t do that” - is way easier than teaching them consent.

Ugh, people with this pet peev are a pet peev of mine. (*shots fired!* :P)

I’m not trying to have an argument with you or anything, but just “being a fucking nice person to others” seemed like all my parents needed to teach me, my bro and my sister. I feel like my brother and I didn’t need specific conversations about specific topics like consent. “Teach people to be nice” seems like a

I still, as a man, cannot understand the environment in which a person is brought up not to feel the things in this video to be self evident.

That’s what I want to know - yeah sure, charge the protesters (who I support) with breaking the laws it took them to protest, but Goddamn, is it legal in North Dakota for you to get dogs to attack trespassers who aren’t physically attacking you?

Yeah, you consider it subtle, but judging by the reaction, it’s effective.

I’m finding tanks OP in some games (haven’t played a lot), but I’m hoping that the cure for this is teamwork - which is why I like BF games. I’d rather people slowly learn to work together to kill the, that for DICE to nerf them.

Really? I don't remember that for either GTA or RDR. They were third person so I guess I didn't notice it as much.

I think the thing is balancing it so we still feel in control. We use the mouse or controller for shooters yet we’re making the whole body turn at once...there is no lag between the different elements, like in real life where our eyes, head, arms, hands, torso and legs all move independently.

For me it’s the momentum of the torso I wish they would try and “slow”.Things like fatigue are easy to add. The Arma series does it. In that game, if you run too much and drain your stamina meter, your foot movement is slowed but your arms head and aim are still the same (with more weapon sway though)- they don’t have

I just don’t know how they can do it better. I’ve always hated how characters in games are so much twitchier than in real life with no momentum and sudden impossible changes of direction - but how do we change that and not make the player feel they are playing a character stuck in mud?

That would be cool and nice to have at least one Metro/Locker type map.

You’re lucky you understand what it means.

You almost make it sound like people who are reacting to Kaepernick by avoiding the points he’s trying to make are fucking morons.