I think her sex will be the least of her problems. America is thirsty for an Angela Merkel of its own. I just don’t know if Clinton can be as savvy of a politician as Merkel.
I think her sex will be the least of her problems. America is thirsty for an Angela Merkel of its own. I just don’t know if Clinton can be as savvy of a politician as Merkel.
And Clinton launched vaguely racist attacks at Obama.
It will be business as usual with Hildog :(
How about the fact that it contributes to a child's sense that they're never truly independent or free or even remotely trusted to be self-aware as beings?
most children are abducted by their non custodial parent..
Welcome to the future 2015, where pets are treated like children and children are treated like pets.
Right? I am not a fan of Robin at all, but honestly how many ways can one arrange musical notes before someone sues for copyright infringement. I think the knee jerk reaction of people going "yay!" over this will be trumped by terrible precedent it sets down the road.
As much as I can't stand the douchelord. This is literally how you kill music even Questlove hates this ruling and when Questlove hates something it's bad.
I saw that, and I think the second one about promotion makes some sense, but i'm not convinced that working on soft smut is any more a discredit to the agency than working as a guard at a bank.
I'm not particularly pro-gun, and I think this style of video/porn/lifestyle is dumb and tacky, but I don't think they deserve suspension. All in all, this is pretty tame stuff, and quite honestly, nothing you can't find in Sport's Illustrated Swimsuit edition.
Crazy, isn't it? The levels of outrage and gravitas I've seen here over such such a mild joke are ridiculous. And then there was the discussion yesterday in Tweet Beat, when Amber Riley said not to touch her hair. Apparently it's completely not the same thing when white people get it touched by strangers as when…
It's getting ridiculous.
The whole issue is such bullshit anyway. Giuliana wasn't insulting her beautiful black woman's hair. She was insulting her WIG, for the love of G-d! I could have been wearing it instead of Zendaya, and I'm as white as they come. The remark was a lame attempt at being witty, she apologized, and it should be over. …
People just cannot wait to be offended about something, can they?
I know Terry is gross but I am here for underboob.
We all know what should really happen to Marvin.
Seriously. Erykah Badu is an icon known first and foremost for her music. Azalea Banks is some little shit who is most famous for feuding with Iggy Azalea. It's cute that she thinks Erykah Badu is jealous of her.
Banks needs to shut her mouth. Badu even was gonna take the heat on it by saying she didn't get it due to age. That's not shade. Saying something isn't your scene doesn't mean you're trashing it.
So it's totally okay that my friend regularly gets told by her black boyfriend's friends that she shouldn't be taking a good black man away from them? How is that not racism? It exists no matter what color you are.
Read the whole SFGate story: