
I must eat like a man. I ordered shrimp and grits at a business lunch a few weeks ago, and it wound up being like an ice cream scoop of grits and four grilled shrimp. I seriously could have eaten it all in three bites. I slowed way down and still finished about five minutes before the other two at the table who had

Hey, this means we're also good at licking, sucking and swallowing!

I like Kanye's music and I think he's really talented, but he frustrates me as a person. Maybe he's not as bad if you really know him, but he seems to have a habit of trashing other artists which is such a dick move.

I'm just gonna say it. I love Bey. But 'Morning Phase' makes me weep. It's so beautiful. It's thoughtful and flowing and lovely.

The sheer entitlement is enough to boil my blood

Beyonce's whack. Let the hate pour over me.

So going around trashing another artist to make your point is "respecting artistry"?? Ok Kanye. Sit the fuck down.

Absurdly so?

what exactly is "absurdly racist" about the Guardian article? Is it the use of "black" instead of African American? I might point out that the piece is from 1974, when black was the common usage.

Well it's not like it isn't any worse than Kim Kardashian's bullshit game. Gawd the mobile gaming market is the worst of capitalism. Complain about AAA titles all you want but the shit that gets passed off for games on mobile platforms is disgusting and the horrible consumer gouging practices. The fact that a bunch of

Not necessarily. I enjoy Kate Upton's body where ever and whenever I can be exposed to it, but that doesn't mean I've gone and downloaded or purchased anything. In fact, I can't think of anything I own that I've bought because "sex sells". Can you?

The era when Kate Upton's breasts stood for integrity and a quality product is sadly gone.

my step dad swears up and down that he stood next to Clint Eastwood at the urinal in Clinton restaurant in Carmel, CA. I think he's full of shit though.

Already posted, but I almost forgot about that time I blew Ben Affleck in a car.

I had a strange encounter with Tom Waits. Is there any other kind?

Sorry, but this shit is an empty gesture that accomplishes nothing that it aims to do. I get it, titles can be difficult to get right. Sometimes people don't like certain titles. Fine. We already, as a society, give people TONS of freedom to decide the honorifics applied to them (more than many other societies I might

How? That is basically saying that it is offensive to call boys "boys", and girls "girls".

It's the fact that they are banning something that is totally inoffensive

Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. Formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naïve, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as "empty," "meaningless," or "dishonest," and scorn to use them. No matter

Why not just let people select whatever salutation (if any) they prefer from a drop-down menu? I am married but loathe Mrs., so I always select Ms. when I have to. I prefer being addressed as Ms. F in formal correspondence because, well, it's formal in a way "Dear Molly" just isn't.