Womp womp
Womp womp
Sorry, but I don't believe in fighting bigotry with bigotry.
I don't think it's all men who have these views, and I don't think it's only white men who think this way about women. From experience.
Fascinating comment! I used to be a studio art major, and I always noticed that the drawings I did of my friends from life were so much better than the ones I did from photos, even if the photo-based drawings had better shading and seemed objectively better. The from-life ones are the only ones I hang on my wall or…
*chinhands* I love art history. In my work we definitely use these paintings to look at the culture and society the artist and their patron/s (if any), and the wider audience lived in. It's the sort if thing I only get to briefly touch on too.
Whether "aesthetic choice" or "undoing blunting progression of modernity"... hooray for shining a light on good old fashioned cellulite. (heee hee) no but seriously. More of that please.
Had to put this here.
Why can't this spread across the internet like wildfire? Good job, Mormon fella.
Hey, this is what I do with other scholars. This is all any scholars do, really. They bounce stuff off one another and bring up questions or counter arguments. So I am more than happy to chat. I think artists should be more involved in scholarly discourse. I will caution you not to take things for granted, i.e. Yes,…
You're conflating several artists from significantly different periods and with significantly different approaches here, all under the nebulous term 'imagination.' What you are calling imagination, at least as pertains to the Renaissance Masters, was the desire to idealize the subjects according to Classical…
There is plenty of historical writing about painters idealizing, 'creating from fancy' and not being reliant on the physical presence of the sitter. Some of this information is first hand, like the letters from Raphael to Giovanni Pico della Mirandola about him pursuing an image that is in his head when painting the…
It's worth noting that these portraits are presented in only the loosest chronological order. The video regularly jumps forward and backwards in time in some cases nearly half a century. So it's not really giving a true progression of artistic styles. The portraits were clearly ordered to make the morphs work as…
I think it eroded the skill to create imagined faces. Actually, if you look at 19th century painters in general the ability to imagine faces well was already dwindling horribly (look at the inept drawing of eyes in Courbet, the cartoonish reliance on perfectly round eyes in Jacques Louis David and, to a lesser extent,…
I was hoping the final morph would be into the spiderwoman cover
This captivating video shows nearly a hundred different portraits paintings of women, covering more than 500 years…
wow, see this is a story I'd like to hear more about. Has ESPN touched on any of this already?
I think Michael Sam has a pretty good story and it has nothing to do with his being gay. It is amazing that he's alive, not on drugs, not in jail, or not homeless.
...and now don't those jersey buyers feel dumb...
It's final cut Saturday around the NFL - this guy is just one of many. Nothing to see...move along.