
$80,000?! But he's probably just going to spend it all on penis dildos and lace fronts!

My first thought. Uncle Rapey's Touch Time Nap Pod.

OK. So I know that I'm just a lowly first-year law student, but even I know that associating with criminals (let alone aiding and abetting them...) of any kind, but ESPECIALLY the kind that have the word "criminal" prominently tattooed ON THEIR HEAD is grounds for disbarment in pretty-much any jurisdiction anywhere on

I came here to see a bikini picture. I'll wait.

It's all downhill from here, kid.

Ugh, I hate that kind of pandering. All women/people are not beautiful. Are conventional norms absurdly narrow? Yes. That doesn't mean that we're all beautiful. Which is good, 'cause there are a hundred other attributes that need their time in the sun.

All women are beautiful...

This particular case is much more complicated than rights to bodily autonomy.

I don't want to force women to carry fetuses to term. I want everyone to not get pregnant unless they want to, and then to be able to abort until the point of viability, if that's what they choose, and even later for health reasons.

Yep, I agree, but I've noticed especially on places like Jezebel there tends to be a lot of binary thinking. A story about any restriction on abortion provokes a lot of generalized angry replies that usually don't address exactly the nature of the restriction, like you do in your initial post.

Well, thanks for dismissing my efforts to keep abortion legal and available. Thanks for dismissing my donations and my volunteering and my street protesting. The age of the fetus is relevant to me and most people, because autonomy is not infinite and because at some point that fetus is no longer what it was in its

Yes, the banning of abortion is motivated by what you said, I agree. I just think it's no longer "abortion" at 28 weeks if the health of the mother is not imperiled.

You're really avoiding the hard issue.

Yeah, but the outrage here seems to be over the fact that she was charged with anything at all.

More correctly, it's a pre-term infant/neonate.

According to the medical examiner, the baby was born alive.

I'm going to borrow a hypothetical from the pro-life camp, which I despise: do you personally see any difference between terminating a pregnancy at 15 weeks and terminating it (by killing the fetus) at 30 weeks? At 34?

I've covered this story for months. You might want to check further into this considering she threw her baby who was still alive in a dumpster behind a Moes restaurant....

Unfortunately, the Mishawaka Branch and South Bend branches do not do abortions, so it would be about a 90-minute drive to another time zone for her to get it. The closest one is near where I grew up in Merrillville. That's really and truly the only option for anyone north of Indy. The location in Lafayette only

Not touching this one with a ten foot pole. *runs away*