nobody important
nobody important
Yeah but where the fuck do you go for it? That's the one good thing about college. Now I'm stuck with douchebags from OKStupid or axe murderers on Craigslist...
You're never too old for a trampage.
I feel like I missed out on the whole college sluttery experience... first 2 years I was in a LTR, and the second 2 years was kinda too busy for those sorts of shenanigans.
Since joining the cast of Game of Thrones as Oberyn Martell in season 4, actor Pedro Pascal has quickly become a fan…
On Tuesday, Rihanna and her perfect ass channeled Josephine Baker at the CFDA awards. And, as these things tend to…
Aw, I have a similar epically romantic proposal. While my future husband and I were shopping for maternity clothes (yeah, I was knocked up), we stopped at a mall food court for lunch at Arby's and mid-bite of some roast beef I heard his sweet words: "Soooo do you want to get married soon errr...?" I made him sweat it…
Yeah, I actually don't care if anyone pokes fun at me for anything. Apparently everyone who reads YA and Jezebel think its a BFD though. The article was a bit much, its like saying anyone who reads escapist books is an asshole. I read some escapist shit too, you should make fun of me for it.
I like some YA novels but I think it's weird and a little sad when adults barely read and read YA literature exclusively. (And superhero movies that aren't The Dark Knight or Tim Burton's Batman suck.) But you lost me at Dubliners. Screw James Joyce. To paraphrase a writer I do like: I will not read him on a boat, I…
I am not into YA and I reserve the right the lovingly poke fun of adult YA fans just as I poke fun of fans of superhero movies. I am also a snob and I will admit it. And seriously, please read the Dubliners.
Well, perhaps, instead of finding reasons that women are being "callus dumbshits" and acting like your leading questions make you seem deep instead of self-important, you should work on making feminism better. I know that making a social movement is harder than calling women names, but give it a shot.
Genetic (statistical) outliers are not representative of any percentage larger than "standard deviation."
I'm obviously going to be in the minority stating this, but trans women are not women. Unless they can change their genetics, they are still male. How they choose to live their lives still won't change their genetics. I'm all for people trying to live the lives they want, but until the day science invents a way to…
Right? Why isn't this, "Reporters stereotype female celeb's interests based on her gender, she tries to change the subject to her passion for science like a total bamf"?
How did you make the jump from my quote, to your... counterargument, as it were?
I mean, if you want to talk about how it's stupid to let people know that you are dispassionate about a cause we are all supposed to support, then I agree. But I think it's inevitable. There are, quite simply, too many worthy causes in the world for everyone to care intensely about all of them.
yeah, i love feminism, but this article reads a lot like mocking someone for not falling perfectly into line. Maybe not everyone has to think the same things about everything all the time.
Gender equality just isn't everyone's passion, and y'all are gonna have to learn to make your peace with that instead of picking on people for it. It's fine, really! I bet many of you are just bored to tears by environmental activism, or by trying to find a cure for cancer, or economic justice, or whatever other…
lol what a piss poor reading of her quote. she has said nothing of the "i'm not a feminist because i love men" drivel that we usually hear, she just said she finds gender politics boring. so what if she does? are we supposed to expect Every Woman Everywhere to be super into feminism at the expense of everything…
Specifically? Or are you asking me to explain how babies are made?