Christopher Hunt

I’m not what you would consider a card carrying Republican or Democrat, and I’m pretty 50/50 when it comes to Obama’s politics, but there is NO doubt in my mind, that he is the coolest and most culturally aware president I’ve witnessed in my lifetime.

Hahaha. Well points to you for admitting the superiority complex. For the record I pulled that at random. And kudos for admitting the troll factor.


Tearing up in public is a bit different than having an emotional breakdown, I’d argue.

Or just overwhelmed that something could elicit a reaction similar to one I felt 21 years ago, seeing STAR WARS for the first time. Look at twitter and the hashtag #werehome and you'll see a lot of other people with similar reactions. Thanks for the psychiatric advice though. I'll be sure to step back and consider my

Uh, so can we just all acknowledge that Finn has THE lightsaber...

Had a similar thought. My money is actually on it still being Tatooine. Or that they're word smithing this somehow and Jakku is like, the Hutt name of the planet or something.

I struggle sometimes being a comic book artist/writer because I know that story telling doesn't have the same intrinsic value as say being a framer, who can build a house, or a doctor who can save a life in surgery, but I have to believe emphatically that storytelling has an important place in our culture still. As

I'll be turning 30 this year. I wouldn't say that I've lost all of my childish wonder towards the world, but its hard not to become cynical by nature as one grows older. The 9 year old in me that saw STAR WARS, and couldn't decided if he wanted to be a Jedi or a Smuggler still lurks in my psyche and I keep him alive



Hey Ria, just thought I'd let you know that the first part of the comic I did for AMC is out today! Had to get through this before the Marvel and DC stuff but that's next on the list now. http://www.amctv.com/shows/turn/riv…

I sincerely hope the Ernie Hudson rumor is true. That guy deserves a renaissance to his career.

Wow! What a pleasant surprise to see my Ghostrider image at the top of an io9 article! Thank you so much! Just made me smile from ear to ear.

Is it weird to say that after seeing Inherent Vice, I think Joaquin Phoenix would be kind of an interesting Wolverine?

I'm in the same boat. This is triggering something in my lizard brain.

Ha! Will do. If anything goes. Honestly don't have the time right now to do anything. Drawing a comic for AMC's show TURN (which I'd show here if I hadn't signed an NDA) as well as co-writing a story for DC/Vertigo. Have plenty of stuff going on!

So no one is mentioning the Mike Allred comic this is based on in any of marketing materials. Seems kind of strange. Definitely makes it seem like it's a Thomas original idea.

I auditioned for a gig at Marvel comics this week with an editor. Doubt anything will happen but really enjoyed drawing these. I Penciler and inked, my friend Shay Plummer colored them.

Releasing my graphic novella "CARVER: A Paris Story" in 3 parts starting January 14th on my site thecarverstory.com. Lots of mustache, so much whisky. Equal parts Hemingway, Indiana Jones and Midnight In Paris with more prostitutes.