Christopher Hunt

I'm of the mind that with all things concerning Episode 7, we have to expect a lot of misdirection on a vast scale, since this is JJ/Bad Robot that we're talking about. They're going to want to preserve the "surprise" of this story as much as possible since all bets are off with the axing of The Expanded Universe,

You had me at "Let them fight."

Kind of what I'm thinking. If for some reason you were a bored space going civilization that was preoccupied with jumpstarting life in your galaxy, you tether a giant asteroid, get it moving at a planet that needs a bit of "umph" for the eventuality that some basic amino acids land on it a billion years later and

Interesting. Could you essentially jump start a dying planet then I wonder?


Getting my Gmail beta was what ushered me into Internet 2.0.

Did do one thing for me, which was to reinforce that with all of the technology poured into the prequels, CGI Yoda still pales in comparison to the Henson version.

No reflection? No problem.

All I remember is that everyone in the neighborhood got those promotional AOL cd's at the same time, and there were some wicked (and bordering on lethal) fights that ensued where we'd fling those mothers at each other's heads. It was the late 90s. Our music CDs were still precious to us but my God we did not give a

What I've always liked about Mignola is his candidness about his drawing ability. He's gone on the record numerous times to say that the "House Style" of Hellboy was derived by reverse engineering what he wasn't good at. Best example is light and shadow. He hated trying to draw naturally shaded objects, so that's why

Whoa, whoa, whoa! TWO post credit scenes for Cap? Really bringing the cliffhanger heat on this one.

It is actually a goal of mine to get my career in comics to a point that I can pitch to Marvel, and I decided a LONG time ago I wanted US-1. I can just see the editor going, "US-What?" But seriously, this has soooooooo much potential if you made it into a self aware pastiche of trucker movie tropes + him having to

I feel like at this point there's no point in trying to justify Stan Lee. He got lucky with Kirby and that was about it, but he doesn't have the wherewithal to stop. He's like your racist grandfather at Thanksgiving; there's no point in trying to debate with him, eventually (you hope) he'll just stop talking.

I always got the impression they were immortal as long as they stayed with The Grail, in that place. Hence the, "Don't step over the seal, cause shit gets real" warning.

You could make the same argument for any Indy movie, honestly. That being said, I hate this movie, because I think it falls prey to the same thing that afflicts the Die Hard, and Terminator franchises, which is that the movies started being too self referential. It like watching the first batch of superhero movies in

Wait?! Tim and Eric?!?!

Forced Perspective: Making Elijah Wood hobbit sized since 2001.

Some other commenters have alluded to it, but you'd be surprised by the kind of knowledge that was available before and around WW2. The Marines had a hand book called Kill or Get Killed that was a distilled means of teaching an average man how to fight mean in close combat. It pulled from Jujitsu, Karate and a number

My god yes. It has been a LONG time since I've been this engaged in a narrative in any medium like I am with True Detective.