
Not really, most driving jobs, heavy equipment , expensive equipment etc... require testing... they just outsource it to other companies.

Fewer companies are drug testing. If it was federally legalized, it’d be less likely that companies could fire someone due to a positive urine test. Most likely, they’d have to use blood or other methods to detect impairment which is justifiably still a fire-able offense for a lot of jobs.

Until companies stop testing for it as a condition for hire or continued employment, it won’t matter.

Cannabis has to be unscheduled and federally legalized. This is fucking ridiculous.

I think it is sad that the high point of this guys life is a score he got on Donkey Kong 35 years ago.


The way the engines are packaged reminds me of how Jan de Rooy packaged his engines in the Daf Turbo Twin Dakar trucks about 40-ish years later:

Reality is objectively terrible and probably all for nothing. But the reality for realists may be reality isn’t worth caring about much - at least a lot of the negative stuff since it’s out of our control. We are surrounded by suffering every second of the day; more than any one could feel empathy for without dying

I created an account just so I could say...

Top Gear America was a treasure (that episode especially) but all anyone ever cared about was that it wasn’t the original. 😒

“Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways,” he said. As evidence of this, Jafari pointed to a sketch by Samantha Bee, where she jokingly blames white people for Trump’s election. “I suppose you could guess the reaction if Samantha Bee said black people ruined America for voting overwhelmingly

Are you living your best life? EUROTRASH E36 snow guy is. Be like him.

this filled me with...well, lets just say joy.

Happy Friday, and remember: if it ain’t a Type R, it ain’t a tight car.

That’s...that’s HORRIBLE. That man DIED.

this needs a lot more likes.

Aliens is one of a handful of movies I can watch anytime, anywhere, and love every second. I could watch it weekly and never get tired of it. It’s as close as any film can come to being a perfect movie.

Hudson was the Greek chorus to Hicks’s quiet narcolepsy, Vasquez’s intimidating everything in earshot and Gorman’s mealy-mouthed un-leadership. The viewer wasn’t going to find out just how dire the situation was via any of the well-adjusted characters; it needed someone to come completely unglued and give into his

Ghost most often appear where gas lamps are used in a confined space. Ghosts seem to be attracted to the high levels of carbon monoxide or is it carbon dioxide -- in any event I think they should fill the whole place with carbon monoxide and see if any ghosts appear.