
This is some Westworld shit

But that’s the thing - that’s how it happens in real life.

Damn, saw the image and got my hopes up for an android release.

His answer was pretty vague, and I think it’s quite likely that the show-runners deliberately gave him the possibility of coming back after seemingly being killed in case he could come back. Hellboy was probably the key factor here - if Hellboy had been a success with a greenlit sequel, he would be too busy for any

they are going to have to give that up so hard if they don’t crash it. the rules of lemons you have to sell your car for 500 to anyone that asks  after the race. 

The shape of the rear passenger window doesn’t look like the Civic. Also, the C pillar is more angular than the Civic. I think, as someone suggested below, that this is a Corolla (possibly a Lexus HS).

No ID is going to be definitive enough to make an arrest, let alone hold up in court.

That being said, my money is on a 1932 Stutz DV32 Super Bearcat.  The brake lights gave it away.

2006-2011 Honda Civic. The deeply curved and rounded off front end is what gives it away to me. That, plus the thin band headlights and the front wheels being so far forward.

It is the E150 generation Corolla for sure. I’ve seen enough of these to immediately recognise a blurry smudgy picture of it when I see one

The Star Wars series are always pioneers of the SFX world.

I’m always shocked to re-realize that the Venture Bros is relatively unknown within the broader sphere of pop/geek culture (I mean, just look at the view counts on this article vs others) when it so effectively considers everything else in a way which goes beyond mere references.

Wiki says 80s, but not what point in the 80s. I remember them being worn with shell suits in the late 80s into early 90s.

Which will be more botched:

This is why I don’t listen to white women when they pander to us.

A semi-dry Riesling with a tab of LSD in it?

Christ, what an asshole!

Luke amused by Danny’s well-meaning idiocy but also impressed by ... whatever his fist can do.