
Believe it or not, there are millions of Americans that don’t have cars and the means to leave their home for a week or 2. When Irma hit Florida last year, I spent well over $2,000 on food, hotels, gas, tolls etc. If I had $50 in my bank account, I wouldn’t have been able to go anywhere.

My Trump-loving Father and I got into our monthly blow up yesterday about this very thing. He had the nerve to call me delusional for saying that R v. W is gonna be one of the first things our new republican overlords will go after. He told me to “get off the script” for saying this administration is coming for us

Absolutely. Its almost like.... make judgements based upon the child’s developmental level and your own assessment of the environment. Crazy I know. Unfortunate side as well is that it means you can’t read a parenting book based on some trend piece and call it a day, you have to like... remain conscious and shit.

I’m so old because I remember when his kid acted up during a press conference or swearing in? And then SNL had Chris Farley play him.

Can you believe that Aunt Lydia is also Cookie Kelly, aka Kim Kelly’s mom on Freaks and Geeks?


I think all the paint just fell off my living room walls

Reading this, as a UK resident, I can only shake my head in disbelief. Since last year, I have had a number of health issues all no doubt due to hitting 40 and my body deciding that the previous 20 years of ill use were enough.
I’ve had cameras in three orifices, and due for two of those orifices to receive cameras

Convicted Drug Dealer Tim Allen Joins Fellow Conservatives for Film Attacking Campus Safe Spaces

Or “I’m gay but my homophobic parents are insisting that I need a wife and babies if I want full access to my trustfund”

Here’s the thing. People aren’t hating Biden. People are hating the idea of having him run creating this nice big circus likely squeezing out any number of other possible candidates. Plus it makes it super easy for the republicans to run against him on account of being associated with Obama.

When the sun throws just the right amount of shade

My Egyptian friend forfeited an entire year of dental school because when she finished her final exam, she made a few doodles on the back page. Nothing lewd or salacious. Just her name, some clouds, a happy smiley face. She was just trying to kill time because you’re not permitted to give the test back until a certain

Merritt Wever is terrific in ‘Godless’!

That’s the thing that really grinds my gears. The story that you always, always hear from these guys is that they aren’t unreasonable, or bad people. They’re just self-reliant, good people who want to be free of busybody outsiders who don’t understand their lives and don’t know their problems telling them what to do

As far as the photo, I mostly agree with you - it doesn’t look to me like he actually touched her, but instead was just aiming for “hey look, I’m pretending like I’m going to grope this unconscious woman against her will, HA HA SO FUNNY.” It’s disgusting, offensive, and incredibly disrespectful towards her, but if he

I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.