
Trump shares so many personality traits and just...essence of something with my father. My father has bipolar disorder and narcisstic personality disorder. The impulsiveness, the insecurity covered by weird petty diversions, never sleeping, the delusions of grandeur, the weird half-finished sentences, they are so

I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.

This is the only time that anyone should quote an Adam Sandler movie.

Propane Jane is amazing. I wish her feed could be widely distributed on all media.

I’ve been following her too.


I’m beginning to think the people claiming early onset Alzheimer’s may be on to something. He’s become noticeably more incoherent as the months drag on.

I was actually thinking that possibly Melania was claiming she couldn’t find a dress. More likely, he’s heard Melania, Ivanka and Kellyanne complaining about the fact that no designers are willing to dress them, and figured that meant all of the dresses were sold out everywhere, for everyone.

This is concern trolling.

Chicago has strict gun laws, the two neighboring states don’t.

Once the cat got explosive diarrhea in the master bedroom and my daughter came in while I was scrubbing the carpet and told me to clean it really well because that wasn’t a smell anyone would want to smell while you were in bed “hugging and touching each other’s faces.”

For the expert level fuckwits who keep commenting on this, saying stupid shit like “they can quit” and “contracts!” You are missing the point. These women have publicly stated they do not want to perform under these circumstances and are publicly being told they must. This is, as I said, not a good look.

I get your point and long term agree with you. Not everyone working at the law firms that protect Trump against all of his suits support him. Not all the people who work in the medical practice with his doctors like him. Barron’s teachers probably loathe him. It’s your job so you do what you have to do.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

Secretary of Gaslighting sounds like a great new name for her position.

Ugh, hard pass. Can’t stand this classless woman.