Thanks! Worked great. I'm not a twitter person, so I've never had occasion to use one, but in this case it was perfect.
Thanks! Worked great. I'm not a twitter person, so I've never had occasion to use one, but in this case it was perfect.
I'm trying to figure out a way to share this without the "Suck My Dick" in the headline. This is a masterpiece.
Bite your tongue! I LOVE The Soup. I think I was thinking about promos for Tosh that I've seen on E! Actually, it's even more surprising that Tosh is on Comedy Central, a channel I respect more than E! In any case, Tosh is a bag of stinky dicks.
Tosh is hopelessly unfunny and I can't believe he has a TV show. Granted, it's E!, but, really? He sucks. And is also hateful, apparently.
I had one of these... a '78 black on black, was it sweeeeet! I bought it in, oh, '88 or '89 and drove it until late '94 or so... It ended up having a catalytic converter problem (this was CA) that was never solved... Had to replace the CC and then it burned right out again... I think I got $2k on the trade-in for a…
It's too easy.
The surname I was born with is very common and although I have what used to be a very unique first name, I didn't have any strong attachment to my surname. I took my (now former) husband's surname because I think it's just easier for everyone in the family to have the same surname, including our kid. Now that we have…
This is somewhat off-topic but reading all of these poop stories causes me to share this one: My ex husband has this weird fetish of taking a dump at my house when I am not there (and occasionally when I am). He only stops by a few times a week to pick up or drop off our daughter, and nearly EVERY STINKING TIME, he…
I concur. COTD.
Right here, right now, the way things are... hell to the yes.
Naturally, it's a frat boy from USC. Signed, A Die-Hard UCLA fan.
@victoriamckenzie: I heard the Ronstadt version first, too. And it's still my favorite, even better than Dolly's IMHO.
@Sweetie: Ha! This.
@Norma Neufner Lady Officer: Word. With all the photo-retouching talent out there, and the technology available, there's no excuse for a major national magazine to publish something that my 12-year-old could do in our basement.
@I_Am_Not_Oprah: @liquidamy. Yes. I'm convinced of it.