I honestly can’t even remember if she was there for an abortion, either. We would walk everyone in (and I never inquired about their appointments, although people always felt the need to justify why they were there which is so sad) and make chit-chat and answer questions and reassure them that they are safe (this…
Is this a job you can volunteer to do? Would you know how to sign up, etc... I would love to help people get past all of these obnoxious fucks and give them some indication there are people that won’t treat them like shit, whether I personally agree or not.
You are a very good person to be able to separate the fact of your existence from that of your birth mother’s suffering. May you both live long and prosper.
Wow, you and I sound very similar. My biological mother was in high school and I too was adopted. Abortion was against the law and she didn’t have the resources for an illegal one. I finally met her a few years ago. Her story, her life and what she went through surrounding her pregnancy made me break down. She was…