Uh oh. I accidentally saw an email last night that my cat sent to this photgrapher setting up a special photography session with his wonderful owner NEXT WEEK.
Uh oh. I accidentally saw an email last night that my cat sent to this photgrapher setting up a special photography session with his wonderful owner NEXT WEEK.
(A) Sodium dodecyl sulfate (AKA sodium lauryl sulfate, SLS) is about as safe as you can expect a detergent to be.
I’m going to get so much shit for this BUT, this is why I make my own detergent: dr bronners Magic Castile soap, borax, washing soda. Cheap as hell, effective, more environmentally friendly than 7th generation, works with cold water, is a great pre-treater, is gentle on delicates, and I love it. I switched 4 years ago…
That’s the key — I think Honest Company’s shtick is for the most part bullshit, but if you’re going to play to peoples’ irrational fear you have to commit to it. It’s pretty low to gouge people out of their money and then give them what they could have bought for half the price at CVS.
It’s a chemical so obviously it’s poison. Isn’t that what the food babe said anyway?
That’s a solid counterpoint that a lot of commenters are making, but it’s just not really something I can speculate on at this point.
It’s possible they genuinely believe in his innocence. But I would hope that a place like Yale would encourage players to engage in critical thought. Such as: “He told me he did nothing wrong, but a university tribunal that heard evidence, and which had some incentive to retain him, decided by a preponderance of the…
Yes, because an NCAA university like Yale expells their star player based off of rumor. Is this the hill you really want to die on?
I’m not Miss Cleo or anything but my guess is there is evidence of rape that has not been released. As you said, expelled over rumors? The university is trying to minimize.