
Who’s lecturing? I think it’s incredibly laudable to have progressive goals, and to work toward them. It’s not sexist to want to vote for a candidate who represents your ideals. Hell, I’m active in local and state politics, and I love that those levels are more accessible to progressive candidates and that working

He’s outclassed. Guy won’t even hire oppo researchers or a rapid response team, meanwhile Clinton’s got in-house polling, the best oppo team in politics, a pretty great media shop, and a ground game already set up in every swing state. And she learned from (and hired most of) the Obama data analytics team. Trump

I do not know. I’m a white woman, but for months I’ve seen this from Sanders supporters. “Hillary is just for white women!” Oh I guess the POC who are winning her the nomination did not get the memo. I literally saw people explaining away Clinton’s landslide wins in the south by saying POC in the south are so poor

Oh, I know this one! My parents! Here’s the logic: I don’t like Hillary, but Trump seems like a lunatic. Therefore, Bernie. Bernie’s out? Well, I still don’t QUITE know what I don’t like about Hillary, she just seems...bad. Therefore, Trump.

Except women of color support Hillary. Why is everyone forgetting that? Why is everyone forgetting that we not all live in Brooklyn and the blacks and Chicanos from the south are overwhelmingly for Hillary? Why am I shouting into a void????

They exist. I know at least one personally. He’s a piece of shit. It’s all a lot of complaining that the system is rigged and we need a revolution, and whatever bullshit. Like, MOTHERFUCKER, we live in a country with actual elections, a stable government, and the fucking rule of law. DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA WHAT

No, but he will stack the Court will judges who could very literally overturn gay marriage, RvW, AND keep Citizen’s United in place.


The support won’t flip overnight, and nor should it. Asking large blocs of voters to switch gears is never an easy process. It’ll take Clinton, Sanders, and (especially) Obama, former Senate colleagues all, some time to stitch this back together.

Granted I usually live under a rock and am actively trying to avoid a lot of the election coverage (b/c it’s more a circus than honest journalism), but these alleged “feminists” saying we need to elect Hillary b/c she’s a woman - I could swear this is mostly a strawwoman cooked up by Bernie and the RNC or trolls just

#GirlIGuessImWithHer Protip: Just imagine that a large number of those awful “Hillbots” (and BernieBros, while we are at it) on the internet are actually AltRight trolls* purposefully trying to divide the left, either because they are Trump supporters or because they are just intolerable assholes. Voting for Hillary

That Politico article that dropped about his campaign last night is... illuminating, to say the least.

If you give a shit about keeping religoin out of politics or a woman’s right to choose, then you vote for the Democrat. ANY Republican getting SCOTUS picks isn’t an option. It’s time to grow the fuck up.

God, it just reeks of privilege and fucking idiocy...I just can’t with people. If you wanna watch the goddamned world burn, you must be one of the privileged to have a fireproof suit...

Back in 2004 a liberal/libertarian friend bragged that he was going to vote for Bush because he wanted people to see “how bad this country could get” if we put another Republican in power. It makes me sick to think that people torpedo progress because it doesn’t fit their idealized view of the 100% perfect progress.

I love Chrissy Teigen so much.

...and someday you can look back and know that you did your part to stop an orange cloud of fascism from taking over your country, even if it wasn’t you who stood the most to lose.

This graph tells me nothing.

Making fun of idiots with dumb tattoos is not the same thing as making fun of liberals. I have a friend who has a tattoo that says “I love hotdogs” because he got VERY drunk and made a VERY stupid decision. I make fun of him every time I see him.

Don’t get tattoos of politicians. I come from a developing country and one of our big mistakes is to aggrandize one politician and think of them as saviors they inevitably become tyrants and/or egotistical idiots. Don't aggrandize politicians ever. They already have a big ego. They don't need you treating them like