You asked me to do your research for you, so I got you an example and another commenter got you three more; I think you can take it from there.
You asked me to do your research for you, so I got you an example and another commenter got you three more; I think you can take it from there.
But the argument Veit made is on the basis of cultural appropriation being offensive on it’s own. That is not what these people are arguing at all. From Terese Mailhot (but a pretty good summation of most points from the other articles):
So in direct answer to my question: you know of 1 (kinda 2 if you read into it) Native Americans who are actually upset by this. But she speaks for all Native Americans though because she is offended?
So how many people of Native decent are actually up in arms over the naming of the American Wizardry School houses? Cultural appropriation itself not actually racist or oppressive. It can be used in racially oppressive ways but the act itself is not.
Wouldn’t using these names actually mean that we’re acknowledging the importance of Native Americans - that the magical culture of America never tried to erase them but instead actually lifted them up?
The F*ck is GamerGate?
This, fucking this, I just commented I recalled a transparent phone. WTF is the article talking about? Maybe at ONE point in the movie he makes a call on the Chinese phone, but THIS is the phone I recall, the see-through super future phone made of smart glass. It was tits and beer.
Eugene Fokin is a character artist who used to work at Eidos (on Deus Ex), but who is now at Ubisoft.
If it’s true, it’s not just the right wing that will be angry. People already feel Facebook is manipulative and unethical; this is just more fuel for the fire.
Kudos to Gizmodo for giving this issue a serious examination. I admit that I would have predicted a Gawker site to participate in the very same hide-newsworthy-conservative-subjects editorializing that apparently Facebook did. Thanks for proving me wrong.
That isn’t really a comparison that can be made, Battleborn is a MOBA played in first person. Overwatch is an class based FPS(think Team Fortress 2). I prefer Overwatch, but I am not a fan of MOBAs.
The video is self-evident: an old dude reading a book instead of paying attention to the Beyonce concert. What other priceless nuggets do you think you can mine from this with an interview? Is there really so little going on in the world that THIS is what you want to waste your time doing?
Okay. Why? That sounds like a terrible article.
Interview him because he read a book during a performance by an underwhelming pop artist whose musical acclaim is exaggerated to match her marketing spectacle? Maybe an introspective essay examining your desire to interview him would be more appropriate. Something about the incredulous belief that Beyonce’s music…
We disagree on a lot but this is something we agree upon. The last thing this guy needs is the QueenBey stan army coming for him for the crime of not bowing in adulation and hanging on every word out of the queens mouth.
Would we expect anything less from Nikki Minag, Nikki is only out there for Nikki, and nobody else.
It would have to. No one is that good an actor, and kids are incredibly perceptive. :(
The "I hate my son" one isn't funny at all; it's heartbreaking. And the "I regret having them every single day" one, over the beautiful photo of those adorable little boys, is incredibly sad as well. In fact, I find most of these more sad than funny. I think these women must be in a lot of pain to put these posts up…