
Yeah I am the opposite of Type A so I guess that is why this totally confuses the shit out of me. I would lose the accordian folder in my pile of laundry. ;-)

I’m most efficient at 32 hours.

On a more personal note, please stop regular 60 hour work weeks because you’re screwing over sensible people. What the article talks about is well understood, but hours/week (apparent or real) is a very easy metric for management to track. In many large companies, if I average 40 hours/wk and do 32 hours of productive

Erm. I sorta feel like this is applicable.

Wait... there are people who DON’T read?

Nope nope nope nope. That “just one more chapter” itch gets me every time. Maybe it’s good advice who doesn’t work a desk job and can hide a book in their lap >_>

That looks suspiciously like a mono-tasker.

That looks suspiciously like a mono-tasker.

The same can be said about deferred interest (like student loans), but that level of specificity (and risk of a debt cycle) is a bit beyond the scope of the intended audience here (new adults).

Don’t you hate places that just let in anyone. Also, this is one of the many reasons I never made it in customer service. If someone complained about someone else making racist comments towards their children my first response isn’t, “Hey, let’s give the racist free stuff.”

Is your concern that the food is not refrigerated? Because that’s pretty easy to solve with an insulated lunch bag. However, I just throw mine in my messenger bag (usually lunch plus a protein shake made with milk, and sometimes yogurt or cottage cheese for a snack). It usually sits out unrefrigerated for a solid 45

Uh, yeah, that’s...not how you make cocktail sauce. That’s...why would you think that would produce cocktail sauce?

How Do You Make Brown Bag Lunches More Appealing?

I was so worried that every story was going to begin with a college student stating “Some old guy/woman, probably about 50 years old” and then force me cry through the entire post.

Whether you’re a fan of GTD or not it helps tons to sort your to-do lists by CONTEXT.

I’d rather have a face-to-face meeting with my boss any day. Few things sap my will to live more than spending two hours on a tele/videoconference where the first ten minutes is spent trying to figure out who hasn’t muted their phone, the next 50 minutes is spent figuring out who’s dialed in, followed by 45 minutes of

“Useless fucking paper clip”: best description of a human I’ve ever read. MORE STORIES, LINDSEY.

No, banks can honor a check for however long they want. They may CHOOSE to set a limit, but there is no federal law preventing them from honoring it.

Pools are like boats. You don’t want one. You want a close friend that has one.