
I was about to make the same suggestion. When I was a regular spinner, I wore ear plugs and could still hear the instructor and music just fine but without the pain.

That may be. What you are describing is someone with religious zealotry not someone who is demonstrating what happens when following the 12 steps. Surely in your profession you have read the 12 step literature. It should be obvious to you that the people you describe are simply crazy and not “successful” at all.


I’m a lifetime Californian and can confirm your observation that tipping expectations are the same here as elsewhere even though the base wages are at least minimum.

Eliminating tips would take a huge cultural shift supported by a variety of stakeholders in the issue. I’m not holding my breath.

Yes! I buy them by the box in a variety of colors and have them all over the house.

No. People are just as confused here in Pacific Time. Plus, I guarantee they are saying “Eastern Standard Time” in their VM message.

Since the original comment refers to a policy, I thought it was directed to insurance plans sold by corporations. I spent 20 years in that industry, and the bottom line is fine. But if the original comment was directed at SSDI, then, yes, there are some serious financial and administrative problems with the entire SSA

Is that really the recipe for Andersen’s soup? It is so...ordinary. Not the magical stuff of my memories. I guess the secret ingredient is...road trip!

I have fond memories of it from my younger years, but I haven’t made any effort to make the trip in about 30 years either even though it’s only a little more than an hour away. I guess I feel the same as you about its limited appeal. But I did wax nostalgic when I saw the article headline anyway.

Breyers has more air, which dilutes the calorie count by volume a lot.

...the attendant “was taken out of service.”

Yeah. I think he made it up. As far as I can tell, it is perfectly legal to have surveillance cameras in your own home (e.g. nanny cams.)

Hahaha. That’s my cabinet - also not counting the ones stored elsewhere. Steve sometimes has some really good sales of combo packs especially around the holidays for gifts.

Yes. In fact, if I buy canned refried beans, I much preferred the black bean. I recommend giving them a try if you haven’t.

But the point is that would be true for any electric pressure cooker (I have two.) The IP isn’t magic. It’s just very good marketing.

Me, too. It’s eye-rolling.

I’m buying more and more groceries from Target. During the holidays I did a lot of baking, and I wanted King Arthur flour. Target was the only place that had it at a reasonable price. While there, I discovered that their entire baking section was well-stocked (many kinds of baking chips, not just semi-sweet) and

In thinking about your question, I realized I’ve become the person who shops at a few places a week cycling through several. I like to get this stuff here, that stuff there. Sigh. I have no favorite.

Never mind. I just read the rest of the thread, and I just can’t even...

No, the gift tax is part of the estate tax laws and is not an income tax. The recipient does not pay. (I am speaking Federal.)

Any excess over the gift tax exclusion goes against the lifetime exclusion. For all practical purposes, for the average person, nothing happens.

Yep. I’ve told other people about the problem with debit cards, but they don’t really see it as a problem until they, too, have their accounts raided and frozen. Once I was in a mall store with a friend and told her. She said, but I have a PIN. The funny thing was that she had just used the CC option in making her